Infosys Frontend Developer (React) Interview Experience – Pune (3 Years of Experience)
I applied through the career portal and received a slot booking email within 5-6 days.
Round 1: Technical Interview (1 Hour)
•Focused on JavaScript, React, Redux, and Git.
•Questions were easy to medium in difficulty.
Round 2: Managerial Round
This round was a mix of managerial, behavioral, and technical questions. Some questions I remember:
1.If a project is in the UAT phase and the client requests a last-minute change, how would you handle it?
2.If we have a payment functionality in a React web application and want to use the same in a mobile application without rewriting it, how can we achieve that?
Round 3: HR Discussion
•Salary negotiation, job role, and location discussion.
Overall, the process was smooth and the difficulty level was easy.
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