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Praveen Kumar S
Praveen Kumar S

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How to Learn Any New Skill with Ease?

Ever felt that burning desire to create something but were stuck, unsure of where to start? I've been there too, overwhelmed by the vastness of what I didn't know. Today, I'm sharing my journey from a place of curiosity to launching a product with 10,000 users. These lessons, learned over a decade ago, still hold true today.

The Daunting Start

Starting a new skill isn't easy. The initial hurdles are many: staying consistent, sifting through a sea of resources, and finding the right tutorials and courses. It's easy to feel lost, especially at the beginning.

The Power of Active Learning

In my quest for knowledge, I watched countless videos, sometimes even at 4x speed, trying to grasp the core ideas. But I realized something crucial: passive learning wasn't enough. Just watching or mimicking others' work wouldn't cut it. To really understand, I had to build, apply, and yes, make mistakes.

Think about it—you can't learn to swim by watching others or reading about it. At some point, you have to dive into the water.

The Leap of Faith

With this realization, I took a bold step. I built my product and launched it, bugs and all. Why? Because launching was the only way to truly learn and grow. It was a hands-on approach that taught me the intricacies of creation and problem-solving.

The Path to Mastery

Mastering a skill isn't just about passive consumption but active participation. It's about launching, gathering feedback, iterating, and refining. It's about accountability, consistency, and continuous growth. Here’s my approach:

  1. Dive in Headfirst: Start by building what you want to learn.
  2. Launch Early: It instills discipline and a sense of responsibility.
  3. Engage with Your Audience: Their feedback is invaluable.
  4. Stay Accountable: Make your plans public. It keeps you motivated.
  5. Celebrate Every Milestone: No achievement is too small. Every step forward counts.

Reflections from a Decade Ago

My journey began 10 years ago. Today, I build, scale, and innovate. It's not just about learning; it's about applying, iterating, and scaling. If I could do it a decade ago, standing at the crossroads of uncertainty, so can you.

Join Me on This Adventure

If my story resonates with you or if you're looking for tips on learning new skills, building from scratch, scaling applications, or strategically refactoring existing ones, join me on this exciting adventure. Let’s learn, build, and grow together. Follow my journey here.

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