I am a newbie react developer and I want to contribute open source react library but when I saw the library, at first glance it was very overwhelming and I was give up because I don't know where to start and what contribution should I give in it so anybody tell me how do I make contribution in react library which technology should I need to learn or which concepts should I need to learn I am seriously master this technology is anybody guide me?
Thank you in advance🤗 and sorry for my horrible english😅
Top comments (2)
I think the first thing you need to know is how does React work.
You can read the How to Contribute guide, they give you a good introduction to contributing.
You could also check the issues and pull requests of the official repo to get an idea of what are people working on.
Is there any resource about how react works and When I watch Issues and pull requests they like enigma for me I don't know how to understand them.