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Troubleshooting Puppetized DSC Modules

Authoring Puppet manifests using the new Puppetized DSC Resources is, like using any other Puppet modules, a few steps and a deploy away for most use cases. Sometimes you will run into a problem trying to apply a manifest containing one or more Puppetized DSC resources. What could be causing the problem?

Is it a problem with the builder? The Puppet representaion of the DSC Resource could not match the API surface, resulting in misgenerated types, enums or method calls.

Could the problem be the DSC Resource itself? The PowerShell DSC code could not work, which would be hidden underneath the Puppet Ruby exception stacktrace.

What happens if it’s Puppet? There could be an error in the Ruby code that translates the DSC resource back and forth between Puppet and PowerShell, in which case the issue lies in the pwshlib module.

Somewhere in between? How do you tell which symptom is which problem? Where do you begin to troubleshoot this? This blog post will help you find your way foreward.

Basic Troubleshooting

The first thing to note is that there’s actually a basic troubleshooting guide for Puppet.Dsc. That guide covers finding problems like type errors or incorrect enums in the module builder, invocation errors during a Puppet run, and problems with the tanslation layer in pwslib. There is a lot of good information there, so we won’t cover those areas again here.

The guide also covers running Puppet in debug mode, which you will need to know about for the next couple sections. In short, if you append the --debug flag to the end of your Puppet invocation, you’ll get a ton of additional information out of the run. Please make sure to read the guide to ensure you have a reference point before we proceed here.

Advanced Troubleshooting

So, you have a Puppet manifest with one or more Puppetized DSC Resource declarations in it. Things are not working and the basic troublshooting guide didn’t solve the problem.

The first place to start is to validate that what you declared in the manifest was translated correctly to the PowerShell DSC code to execute.

Validating manifests and the PowerShell hash

When you specify a DSC Resource in your Puppet manifest, behind the scenes Puppet converts that into PowerShell code to pass to Invoke-DscResource. In debug mode, you can actually see what Puppet thinks you passed and that generated code.

Lets walk through an example manifest:

dsc_psrepository { 'PowerShell Gallery':
  dsc_name => 'psgAllery',
  dsc_installationpolicy => 'Trusted',

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If we execute Puppet in debug mode, we’ll get the following (abreviated) output:

Debug: dsc_psrepository[{:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery"}]: Updating: Invoking Set Method for '{:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery"}' with {:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery", :dsc_installationpolicy=>"Trusted"}
... (snipped for brevity)
dsc_psrepository[{:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery"}]: Updating: Script:
... (snipped for brevity)
$InvokeParams = @{Name = 'PSRepository'; Method = 'set'; Property = @{name = 'psgAllery'; installationpolicy = 'Trusted'}; ModuleName = @{ModuleName = 'C:/pathToPuppetModules/powershellget/lib/puppet_x/powershellget/dsc_resources/PowerShellGet/PowerShellGet.psd1'; RequiredVersion = ''}} Try {
  $Result = Invoke-DscResource @InvokeParams
} catch {
  $Response.errormessage = $_.Exception.Message
  return ($Response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)

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Breaking this apart, there are several sections of information to pull out.

The first line is Puppet telling us why it’s doing what it’s doing and with what information it has to execute. We see its the PowerShell Gallery module, using the Gallery DSC Resource and setting the installationpolicy to Trusted.

Debug: dsc_psrepository[{:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery"}]: Updating: Invoking Set Method for '{:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery"}' with {:name=>"PowerShell Gallery", :dsc_name=>"psgAllery", :dsc_installationpolicy=>"Trusted"}

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This can be more easily read as as Ruby hash:

  :name=>"PowerShell Gallery",

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The next part in the log to look at is the invocation parameters. This is the PowerShell code generated from the section we just examined:

$InvokeParams = @{Name = 'PSRepository'; Method = 'set'; Property = @{name = 'psgAllery'; installationpolicy = 'Trusted'}; ModuleName = @{ModuleName = 'C:/pathToPuppetModules/powershellget/lib/puppet_x/powershellget/dsc_resources/PowerShellGet/PowerShellGet.psd1'; RequiredVersion = ''}}

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Translating that to a PowerShell hash, we can see a similar represation of the Ruby hash we just looked at. This is the exact code that will be passed to Invoke-DscResource (expanded from one line for clarity; note your ModuleName path will be system-specific):

$InvokeParams = @{
  Name = 'PSRepository';
  Method = 'get';
  Property = @{ name = 'psgAllery' };
  ModuleName = @{
    ModuleName = 'C:/pathToPuppetModules/powershellget/lib/puppet_x/powershellget/dsc_resources/PowerShellGet/PowerShellGet.psd1';
    RequiredVersion = ''

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In summary, the debug logs from a Puppet execution run provide us detailed information about how your Puppet manifest was translated into PowerShell code to invoke the DSC Resource.

This leads us neatly into trying to use this information to invoke the DSC Resource outside of Puppet to debug it.

Invoking without Puppet

After inspecting the debug Puppet logs, we now have the PowerShell code Puppet was executing to try out. We can take that code and move to a test machine and walk through the execution ourselves interactively.

In a PowerShell console with administrator permissions, you’ll copy and paste the $InvokeParams line from the debug log we pulled out above. Then you’ll invoke it using Invoke-DscRsource. For example:

PS C:\> $InvokeParams = @{
>> Name = 'PSRepository';
>> Method = 'get';
>> Property = @{ name = 'psgAllery' };
>> ModuleName = @{
>> ModuleName = 'C:/pathToPuppetModules/powershellget/lib/puppet_x/powershellget/dsc_resources/PowerShellGet/PowerShellGet.psd1';
>> RequiredVersion = ''
>> }
>> }
PS C:\> Invoke-DscResource @InvokeParams -Verbose

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Now you can evaluate the success/failure of the invocation without involving Puppet at all; this way you can determine if the values being passed were incorrect or if the DSC Resource itself is misbehaving.

If the code fails after pasting in the $InvokeParams block, then there is something wrong with the values or the hash statement. If something has gone wrong converting the values in your Puppet manifest to the InvokeParams hash being passed to Invoke-DscResource, please do file an issue with us and we’ll be sure to take a look.

If the code fails after invoking Invoke-DscResource, then there is likely a problem inside the DSC Resource itself. If it’s an issue with the DSC Resource, hopefully you’ll have enough information from the execution to put together a bug report for the upstream PowerShell module and work with that DSC Resouce’s authors for a resolution.

Invoking DSC Resources with PSCredentials

When your manifest specifies a PSCredential, you’ll see one or more lines above the InvokeParams declaration, like this (expanded for readability):

$febabd4f_19e8_4ed6_a218_188e275ecc05 = New-PSCredential -User apple -Password '#<Sensitive [value redacted]>'
$InvokeParams = @{
  Name = 'PSRepository';
  Method = 'set';
  Property = @{
    name = 'psgAllery';
    installationpolicy = 'Trusted';
    psdscrunascredential = $febabd4f_19e8_4ed6_a218_188e275ecc05
  ModuleName = @{
    ModuleName = 'C:/pathToPuppetModules/powershellget/lib/puppet_x/powershellget/dsc_resources/PowerShellGet/PowerShellGet.psd1';
    RequiredVersion = '2.2.5'

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Note that it is building a credential object from plain text before passing that object to DSC; the debug logs will strip the password from being returned.

In this case, you will need some of the custom helper code that we snipped for brevity earlier, namely this function:

function new-pscredential {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($user, $secpasswd)
    return $credentials

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Make sure to copy that code into your terminal before you try to copy in the invocation variables and also remember to replace #<Sensitive [value redacted]> with the appropriate password string. Alternatively, you could use Get-Credential and capture the output of that command to the same variable name from your debug log.

Invoking DSC Resources with CIM Instances

Some DSC Resources use nested CIM instances to pass hashes as property values. In these cases, there’s one or more lines above the definition of the InvokeParams variable which creates these CIM instances.

$b615d113_bb6e_49e4_9776_7e895dfe20c7 = New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -ClassName 'MSFT_KeyValuePair' -Property @{'key' = 'Accept-Language' ; 'value' = 'en-US'}
$InvokeParams = @{
  Name = 'xRemoteFile';
  Method = 'set';
  Property = @{
    destinationpath = 'C:\dsc-xpsdesiredstateconfiguration-9.1.0-0-1.tar.gz';
    headers = [CimInstance[]]@($b615d113_bb6e_49e4_9776_7e895dfe20c7);
    uri = ''
  ModuleName = @{
    ModuleName = 'C:/pathToPuppetModules/xpsdesiredstateconfiguration/lib/puppet_x/xpsdc/dsc_resources/xPSDesiredStateConfiguration/xPSDesiredStateConfiguration.psd1';
    RequiredVersion = '9.1.0'

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This is necessary for DSC to correctly handle the objects, especially if they have a custom CIM instance class specific to the DSC Resource being called.

Digging deeper with Pry

Sometimes, reading the debug logs doesn’t give you enough information about what’s going on. You may need to pry into the parts of Puppet that happen after the execution starts, but before the PowerShell code is executed.

When this is the case, the most powerful thing you can do is learn to interactively debug a Puppet run using a tool called pry.

Pry is a powerful tool for interactively debugging ruby. Using it with Puppet on Windows is a bit involved but it can be an extremely useful tool in your kit.

First, you’ll want to get a functional ruby environment installed separate from the PDK.

Right now, the PDK does not support prying into a Puppet run due to limitations around native gems. If you don’t know what this means right now, don’t worry too much. As you get more used to how Ruby and Puppet works it will make more sense.

You can accomplish this however you want, but make sure there is an installation of both Ruby and the associated Devkit installed when you are done. We suggest you do this via Glenn Sarti’s RubyInstaller PowerShell module:

Install-Module RubyInstaller -Scope CurrentUser
# This will kick off an interactive installation of Ruby, including the necessary dependencies
# It relies on Chocolatey (and will install it if needed)
# Strongly suggest installation option G ('2.5.1-2 (x64)') at the time of this writing.

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The next step is to find the module files on disk. They’re probably in a location like this one:

C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/environments/<your environment name>/modules/

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The actual location will depend on how you configured your Puppet Environments.

Next, you’re going to Set-Location to the module you want to debug, like so:

Set-Location 'C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/code/environments/production/modules/powershellget'

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We strongly suggest opening this location in VSCode to make editing a bit easier on yourself.

In any case, you will want to delete the file Gemfile.lock in this directory and create a new file, Gemfile.local, with the following content:

gem 'fuubar'
gem 'pry-byebug'
gem 'pry-stack_explorer'

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Next, you will run the following commands:

# This loads ruby 2.5 for use; if you don't do this, you won't be able to run other commands
uru 2.5

# This is only necessary after you first install a ruby version; it's a tool to manage ruby dependencies
gem install bundler

# This will cause bundler install all of the ruby dependencies into the folder you're currently in
bundle config set path '.bundle/gems'

# This will install all of your ruby dependencies
bundle install

# This will pull down a copy of the `pwslib` module for use and editing in the rest of your debugging
bundle exec rake spec_prep

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At this point, you have a functioning Ruby installation and a Puppet Module setup and ready to be debugged.

The next step is to create a new file in the module folder at examples/test.pp and put your test manifest code in there.

Now, you can run your test manifest with the following command:

bundle exec puppet apply ./examples/test.pp --modulepath ./spec/fixtures/modules

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If you want to run in debug mode, append --debug to the end of that command. The output you saw during a normal Puppet run will show, and the command runs until it stops at the error you are currently investigating.

Now, you’re ready to start adding pry statements to the base provider and digging around.

Prying into the base provider

For the rest of this section we’ll be looking at the dsc_base_provider.rb file in the puppetlabs-pwshlib module, which you can find at ./spec/fixtures/modules/pwshlib/puppet/provider/dsc_base_provider in the module folder. That file is the shared provider that all Puppetized DSC Resources rely on.

For this brief tutorial, we’re going to pry into invoke_get_method, but these techniques apply to all of the included methods you may want to debug.

First, find the method in the provider file (at the time of this writing, that’s around line 231):

def invoke_get_method(context, name_hash)

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We’re going to add a pry binding to this method. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re going to add it just before the DSC invocation (around line 241 at the time of this writing):

context.debug("Script:\n #{redact_secrets(script_content)}")
# This is the new code we're adding, which will tell ruby to enter a pry debugging session:
require 'pry' ; binding.pry
output = ps_manager.execute(script_content)[:stdout]

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This will get you an interactive prompt inside the Puppet run:

Initial execution of pry

You can call ls in that context to see what methods and variables are available:

Demonstrating the  raw `ls` endraw  command in pry

You can type the name of one of the variables, such as name_hash and hit enter to see what it is set to:

Printing the  raw `name_hash` endraw  variable in pry

You can use the whereami command to show where you are in the code. If you pass an integer to this command, it will show you that many lines around your current line.

Running the  raw `whereami` endraw  command in pry

Next, we’ll execute the invocation script and assign it to our own variable (this will take a bit as it’s spinning up PowerShell for the first time and running Invoke-DscResource):

Executing independent code in pry

In my case, it looks like we got some data for stdout, an exit code of zero, and no errors.

If we call next, pry will execute the next line of code.

Calling the  raw `next` endraw  command in pry

Note that the marker for our current line has updated to 243. We can keep using next to walk through the code execution, investigating any variables or running any methods for ourselves to see. I’ll keep doing that til we hit line 267, where the code manipulates the output data a little bit:

Showing the context that will modify the data variable in pry

Before we run these lines, lets check on some state:

Printing the initial value of the data variable in pry

Printing the value of the valid_attributes variable in pry

Printing the value of the parameters variable in pry

Okay, so that shows us the current state of the data, the list of valid attributes, and the parameters respectively. We can then run next and check the value of data again to see what the! line did:

Printing the value of the data variable in pry after the select! method is used on it

It looks like the list of key-value pairs has been trimmed down - we do this so only the values that Puppet cares about will be evaluated in the rest of the Puppet run.

If we use next again and look at data a final time:

Printing the value of the data variable in pry after the reject! method is used on it

We see that the key for PSDscRunAsCredential has been removed, which happens because it was the only key which was in the list of parameters.

This brings us to a loop in the code. If we want to see what happens inside the loop, we need to use the step command. This command also lets you shift contexts inside of any method being called.

Showing the result of stepping into a loop in Pry

Note that we’re now inside the loop - if we had called next, it would’ve evaluated the whole loop and gone to the next line after it.

If we want to just let Puppet run it’s course, we can use the continue command - this will keep us in the pry session, looking for the next pry.binding in our code. Right now we only have the one, but you can have any number of them.

If instead we want to exit the puppet run entirely, we can use the exit! command, which will bring you back to your PowerShell prompt.

And that’s it for basic pry debugging! A few commands and tools to help you look around and try stuff out to investigate where you think something has gone wrong.

Places to look

Here are a few methods you may want to investigate with a pry binding and reasons for that:

  • canonicalize - this method retrieves the state of the DSC Resource on the node, if it exists, and loads it into a cache for comparing later - if something goes wrong here, chances are you’ll get idempotency issues.
  • invoke_get_method - this is responsible not just for querying the state of the DSC Resource but also for puppetizing the returned data
  • ps_script_content - this method builds the PowerShell script that gets invoked to query or set the state of a DSC Resource. The methods included in it, particularly prepare_credentials, prepare_cim_instances, and invoke_params are where things are most likely to go wrong when turning Puppet code into PowerShell code.

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