A simple React web app to track COVID-19 cases. The data used in my project collected from the John Hopkins University CSSE and Covid-19 Api.
Demo Link
Covid-19 Tracker
Covid tracker is live now on Azure static web app. Thanks to Github Education Pack and Azure for Student, I was able to access Azure Static Web App and many more Azure cloud services to deploy and deliver my React app smoothly.
Link to Code
rabindratamang / covid-19-stat
A tracking web app for tracking covid-19 cases around the world
A simple React web app to track COVID-19 cases. The data used in my project collected from the John Hopkins University CSSE and mathdroid covid-19-api.
The website is built on ReactJS. If you are not familiar with React, we suggest checking out their excellent documentation.
Clone the branch
git clone https://github.com/rabindratamang/covid-19-stat.git
Install dependencies
yarn install
or alternatively
npm install
Start the project
npm start
If you're new to contributing to Open Source on Github, this guide can help you get started. Please check out the contribution guide for more details on how issues and pull requests work.
How I built it
As I was learning ReactJs, and the best way to learn is to implement it right away. I chose ReactJs because it is very popular, fast, and easy to implement.
Technologies I used for this project were:
- VScode for code editing.
- Create-react-app to create react single page application.
- GitHub for version control.
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD to my Azure Static Web App.
- Travis CI was also used to deploy to GitHub Pages.
- Azure Static Web App to host my web application.
Additional Thoughts
It was a great learning experience through this project. My learning doesn't stop here, I will be creating and contributing more in the future. Also, this web application needs more additional features such as (World Map Integration, Daily charts, Covid-19 self-assessment tool, prevention techniques and awareness)
Thank you octograd2020!
Top comments (4)
What the heck is "Octograd" (I've also seen "Devgrad") ? I've seen it mentioned a few times now but I have no idea what it is.
Ah of course, Octo ... so Github have their own code academy?
Not exactly own code academy but kinda like a student developer community. You are qualified for this ceremony if you are graduating in 2020 from any list below.