In configure database
1) Service Tiers: vCore-based Purchasing Model
General Purpose : Scalable compute and storage options
If you select General Purpose tier, you can select Max 40 vCores & Max 4096gb storage capacity.
Hyperscale : on demand scalable storage
If you select Hyperscale tier, you can select Max 80 vCores & Max 415.23gb storage capacity.
Business critical : high transaction rate and high resiliency
If you select Business critical tier, you can select Max 80 vCores & Max 4096gb storage capacity.
For detailed explanation about vCORE service tiers refer below links:
2)Service Tiers: DTU's-based Purchasing Model
Basic : For Less Demand workload
If you select Basic, you will get 5DTU's & Max 2gb storage capacity.
Standard : For Workloads Typical performance requirement
If you select Standard, you will get 10DTU's & Max 250gb storage capacity.
Premium : For IO-Intensive workloads
If you select Premium, you will get 10DTU's & Max 250gb storage capacity.
For detailed explanation about DTU's service tiers refer below links:
3) DTU's
> DTU = CPU+Memory+IO.
> DTU's are combination of Memory, CPU & IO.
> 100 Standard DTU's = 1 CPU.
> Minimum Cost $5.
> in on-premise, we need minimum CPU's to run windows but in paas model this won't be needed.
Note : If you want to increase Storage capacity you have to increase DTU's count.
If you select 50 DTU's you will get 250gb storage capacity if you need more storage you need to increase DTU capacity.
Hear i have increased 50 DTU's to 100 DTU's and storage capacity increased from 250gb to 1024gb this is maximum storage capacity.
To increase storage capacity means parallelly we are increasing CPU capacity(DTU's) then cost will also get increased.
> vCore's Starts with minimum 2 CPU's and data storage size 2 GB.
> 1 vCore = 1CPU.
> vCore model is independent scaling of CPU and Memory&IO.
> we have flexibility in vCore model.
Which one is the best DTU or vCore?
For smaller databases DTU Model is the best and for big databases vCore model is the best.
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