** How Hackers Think: The Attacker’s Mindset **
To defend against hackers, you need to think like one. Ethical hackers follow the five-phase attack methodology, which helps them find vulnerabilities before malicious hackers do.
** Reconnaissance (Footprinting & Gathering Info) **
Hackers gather information about a target (company, website, or person).
Tools used: Google Dorking, Maltego, Shodan, Nmap
** Scanning & Enumeration **
Attackers scan for open ports, services, and vulnerabilities.
Tools used: Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit
** Gaining Access (Exploitation) **
Hackers use exploits to gain unauthorized access.
Techniques: SQL Injection, XSS, Buffer Overflow, Brute Force
Tools: Metasploit, Burp Suite, SQLmap
** Maintaining Access (Persistence)**
Hackerplant backdoors & rootkits to keep control.
Tools: Netcat, Mimikatz, Empire
** Covering tracks (Hiding Evidence) **
Attackers delete logs, encrypt files, and use anonymous proxies.
Key Takeaway:
Hackers follow a structured approach to break into systems
Ethical hackers use the same approach but legally test security.
**Common Hacking Techniques & How to Defend Against Them **
Phishing Attacks
SQL Injection (SQLi)
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack
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