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Cover image for Ng-News: Issue 22/03
Rainer Hahnekamp
Rainer Hahnekamp

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Ng-News: Issue 22/03

This is a weekly posting, covering the latest updates from the Angular community.

Performance Optimization in Angular with Minko Gechev

Angular's Youtube channel released a new video with Minko Gechev. Minko showed the major performance pitfalls that he has seen in Angular applications.

It can be that non-Angular JavaScript code, like a chart library, interfers with the change detection. Of course this is unnecessary but you have to find a way how to tell Angular.

It can also be that optimization features like change detection strategy OnPush don't have a big impact. This could be when you have a poor component composition.

How to fix that, and also how to deal with the Angular DevTools is covered in only 18 minutes.

Alex Rickabaugh answering various questions about Angular

At AngularNation, Alex Rickabaugh, like Minko a member of the Angular core team, answered various questions. For example, he discussed the internal differences between dependency injection and providing components.

A very heavily discussed topic was also the future development of Server-Side Rendering. There we can expect some news later this year.


Cypress 9.3 and PrimeNg 13.1

Both Cypress and PrimeNg had a minor version upgrade. Cypress, for example, adds with selectFile a new command to upload files natively.

GitHub logo cypress-io / cypress

Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.

GitHub logo primefaces / primeng

The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library

TypeScript Beta 4.6

There is also a beta version for TypeScript 4.6. The major change is that the super method in the constructor doesn't have to be the first command. By the way, you can already use TypeScript 4.5 in Angular.

TypeScript Blog

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