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Rajae Robinson
Rajae Robinson

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Simplifying Next.js Server Actions

Hey everyone,

I wrote an article about Next.js Server Actions. This new feature provides powerful data-fetching capabilities in Next.js applications and leverages React Server Components to optimize performance while keeping bundle sizes minimal.

Understanding React Server Components

React Server Components (RSC) represent a significant shift in web development. They move components to the server and align them with data stores, resulting in improved app performance without increasing bundle size.

NOTE: In Next.js 13, components in the /app directory are server components by default. To designate a component as a client component, use the "use client" directive.

'use client'
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Demystifying Server Actions

Server Actions in Next.js introduce powerful data fetching techniques. They are asynchronous JavaScript functions that execute on the server in response to user interactions on the client.

// Example of a Server Action
async function addTodoItem(data) { 
    'use server'; 
    await addTodoItem(data); 
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These actions can be triggered using the action prop of a <form> element in React:

<form action={addTodoItem}> 
    {/* Form fields */} 
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Implementing Server Actions

You can integrate server actions within server components by creating an async function with the "use server" directive at the top.

export default function TodoList() {
  async function addTodoItem(todoId, description) {
    'use server';
    await saveTodo({ todoId, description });

  return (
    <form action={addTodoItem}>
      <input type="text" id="todo" name="todo" />
      <button type="submit">Add Todo</button>
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Using Server Actions in Client Components

In scenarios where both server and client components coexist, you may want to employ server actions within client components. Create your actions in a separate file and ensure the "use server" directive is at the top. For instance:

'use server'

export async function addTodoItem(data) {
  await addTodoItem(data);
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Revalidating Data with Server Actions

Server Actions integrate seamlessly with caching and revalidation. This allows for multiple actions per route, optimizing performance and responsiveness.

// Example of revalidating data
'use server'

import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache';

export default async function submit() {
  await updateUserInfo();
  revalidatePath('/profile'); // Revalidate user profile data
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The article also covers invoking Server Actions outside of forms and redirecting with Server Actions, providing a comprehensive guide to making the most out of Next.js Server Actions.

You can read the full article here. You may also find more beginner-friendly posts on Next.js, React.js, and Typescript at

Have any of you used Next.js Server Actions before? What are your thoughts?

Looking forward to hearing your insights!

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