If you want to use git to it's full potential, you must know about Git commands.
Can you drive a car if it's does not have any fuel ?
Fuel is an essential element for car.
Similarly, Git commands are essentials. You have to master this skill at some stage, especially if you are a software developer.
Git is popular,Microsoft uses git. So there is no doubt why its important.
And today I will show you five basic git commands which will help you to a kick start your git journey.
git --version
git add
git add -A
git status
git commit -m “your commit message”
So lets dive in more details
git --version
You can check your current version if git with git --version command
With this you can make sure that you are not using the old version.
git add
Git add command will use to add new files to the staging area.
With the gid add command you can add single file to the staging area
git add -A
And with git add -A command you can add multiple files into the staging area.
Here -A is a switch or option and A stands for all.
Also you can use git add . command, to add all files into the git staging area.
git status
It is one of the important command. You can check your current branch and list of files which are required to commit
git commit -m “your commit message”
Once you are ready to commit your changes it's time to commit.
Here -m option stand for your message. You want to commit with some message so you can refer that later.
Also in case if you want yo update your last commit message you can use
git commit --amend -m "your updated commit message"
So basically, git commit will add your changes to git repository from staging.
What is git staging area
Pictures speak louder than words.
Here is the one
Basically staging is a middle step between your working directory and repository.
I have a complete list and a bonus cheat sheet for you to download here.
Hope it's easy for your to understand these git commands.
Let me know in by comment about your git journey.
Top comments (7)
If git commit adds changes to the git repository then what is the use of git push
Nice Question Vikram.
If you are working in team then you need to share your code with them and you need remote repository.
As Heinek answer - git commit only for local repository and git push for remote repository.
That was helpful.
Git commit adds the changes to the local git repository, when you use git push, it pushes the code from your local to the remote(GitHub, bitbucket etc)
Nice !
Great information about the basics
Thank you Vijay