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Rajesh B
Rajesh B

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Should I move from PHP to Python?

As an PHP developer, I was wanted to learn more about it, work on it, learn new techniques and explore all other possibilities in it. I have been working in PHP since 2011. It's been long journey, 10 yrs. But sometimes I think that am I stuck to only one programming language?

Is it good time to learn new language like Python?

Please share your valuable experiences/thoughts.

Top comments (5)

iceorfiresite profile image
Ice or Fire

Both have their places... why not use both? That makes you a more valuable programmer.

cifren profile image

Same same but different

cifren profile image

If you know one language, you know the other. They are basically the same except the indentation in python and the verbosity in Php. You will have a greater community in Php for sure, but python language is a little more appreciable when you code.

They both have frameworks that can do the job you want. No compilation for both, so it makes it easier to use compare to Java or Go.

Now, there are real differences between Go, Elixir or even Java compare to Python and Php. There are both Object, procedural language, they have the same structure but not the same appearance or environment, that is all.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

I think you should think about expertise / subject, rather than on the language itself. Perhaps you want to learn ML libraries?

As for the language-wise, maybe Java or Scala is better idea?

rajeshbakade65 profile image
Rajesh B

Thanks @pacharapol for your feedback.
I tried to learn Java back in 2009 but it was very hard at least for me. I learned Basic JAVA though. Once I switched to PHP then I never looked at it because PHP was/is easy to learn and understand.
Scala, I don't have idea about it, it's learning difficulty, industry requirements and other factors.
What do you suggest in terms of expertise. Shall I learn all the basics of programming? I don't think I should do that..