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Cover image for ReactJS - Disable console.log() in production and staging
Rajesh Royal
Rajesh Royal

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ReactJS - Disable console.log() in production and staging

Husky hooks are a really good way to prevent someone from pushing accidental console logs to a production ready build or staging environment, but still if you decided to remove the usages of console.logs() from your build add this global function to your JS codebase.


export const GlobalDebug = (function () {
  var savedConsole = console;
  * @param {boolean} debugOn
  * @param {boolean} suppressAll
  return function (debugOn, suppressAll) {
    var suppress = suppressAll || false;
    if (debugOn === false) {
      // supress the default console functionality
      console = {};
      console.log = function () {};
      // supress all type of consoles
      if (suppress) { = function () {};
        console.warn = function () {};
        console.error = function () {};
      } else { =;
        console.warn = savedConsole.warn;
        console.error = savedConsole.error;
    } else {
      console = savedConsole;
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Use this function at the root of your project or in any file you want to.


import React, { Suspense, useEffect } from "react";
import { GlobalDebug } from "utils/remove-console";

function App() {
   * // remove the working of console logs
   * // remove any accidental use of console logs
  useEffect(() => {
    (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ||
     process.env.REACT_APP_ENV === "STAGING") &&
  }, []);

  console.log("I am just another dummy console log, 
   suppose to be suppressed 🙂");

  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<h3>Loading...</h3>}>
      <YourComponentsHere />

export default App;
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⚠ Will update this blog with - how to set multiple enviornments in ReactJS [development, staging, production][through .env files]

Hope you enjoyed reading, make that heart read color in top left corner if you liked this post. 🍻

Top comments (11)

umerfarooq69 profile image
Umer farooq

I want to know how we can hide redux from the console on production and please tell me how we secure or local storage on production or dev

rajeshroyal profile image
Rajesh Royal

To secure the localStorage you can encrypt the data with any encryption lib. CryptoJS is a good one.
Also to secure your encryption key store it in .env file if you can, and access it from node process.

For Redux I do not know, but If I try that or come to know about It I will update the comment. 🙂

umerfarooq69 profile image
Umer farooq

Thank you boi 😊

rajeshroyal profile image
Rajesh Royal

For redux issue you can reffer to this StackOverflow

umerfarooq69 profile image
Umer farooq

thanks boi

anjkr profile image

Hello, did you able to find the answer for localstorage or redux ?

Thanks - Dan

umerfarooq69 profile image
Umer farooq

Not yet bro

__16e02de1 profile image
Александр Томсон

That console.log("I am just another dummy console log,
suppose to be suppressed 🙂")
will be showed in console, because at first will be executed all code of component, and only then code that in useEffect

rajeshroyal profile image
Rajesh Royal

Thanks @lukeshiru for the correction. I have updated the blog. BTW I see you on YT nice work 🤘

js21 profile image

Nice work bro..

I have one question.. what if I have to enable console logging on IT,UAT environments and disable only for Production?

Can you put some light on this?

rajeshroyal profile image
Rajesh Royal

use environment variables to check if it's prod environment if it is then disable, otherwise keep it as it is.