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Rajon Dey
Rajon Dey

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10 Things I’ve Cared About AI.


AI won’t take your job; someone using AI will. And most likely, it'll be you replacing your old self by using AI.

  1. "In ten years, almost every writer will have AI as a regular part of their workflow."
  2. "Knowing AI doesn’t mean you’ll become successful overnight." It’s a tool, not magic.
  3. "Some love AI, some hate it, but most people either don’t care or don’t know enough yet."
  4. "People still value the human touch; AI content on its own feels cold and can only trick people for so long."
  5. "To get good at AI, you need to: (1) stay curious, (2) experiment with the tools, and (3) be open to changing your perspective when AI surprises you."
  6. "Your understanding of AI will evolve, and that's perfectly okay."
  7. "AI doesn’t eliminate creativity; it pushes you to be more creative in new ways."
  8. "It’s not about AI replacing humans—it’s about humans doing more with AI."
  9. "The real strength is knowing when to rely on AI and when to trust your own instincts."
  10. "The future isn’t AI or humans—it’s AI with humans working better together."

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