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Raphael Araújo profile picture

Raphael Araújo

Father and Husband Bachelor in Computer Science Fullstack Developer - Backend++ Ruby / PHP / Javascript / React Bug Hunter

Location Minas Gerais, Brazil Joined Joined on  Personal website github website


Fullstack developer

Six Year Club
Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Integrating Google Firebase Firestore with ChatGPT API. Saving money

Integrating Google Firebase Firestore with ChatGPT API. Saving money

3 min read

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Integrando a API do ChatGPT com o Google Firebase Firestore

Integrando a API do ChatGPT com o Google Firebase Firestore

3 min read
Trying to Maintain a Workable Budget Creating a Chatbot Using GPT and Vector Database

Trying to Maintain a Workable Budget Creating a Chatbot Using GPT and Vector Database

5 min read
Tentando não ficar pobre antes de ficar rico criando uma Startup de serviços de inteligência artificial

Tentando não ficar pobre antes de ficar rico criando uma Startup de serviços de inteligência artificial

5 min read
Consuming a Rails API with a NextJs client

Consuming a Rails API with a NextJs client

5 min read
Rails 7 + Hotwire (Turbo + Stimulus) = Modern web applications

Rails 7 + Hotwire (Turbo + Stimulus) = Modern web applications

5 min read