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Rashmiranjan Sahoo
Rashmiranjan Sahoo

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Azure Storage Account service -learning day 2

Disclaimer: This is the note I am publishing as blogs for me to revisit all topics and clear my fundamentals. I would love if this article you found as helpful.

Azure Storage account is a Microsoft managed cloud service that provides storage that is highly available, secure, durable, scalable and redundant.

Within azure there are

  • 2 types of storage accounts
  • 4 types of storage
  • 4 levels of data redundancy
  • 3 tires for storage files

4 types of storage

  1. Azure blobs
  2. Azure files
  3. Azure Queues
  4. Azure Tables

Azure blob is important so we will explore it later.

Azure file Storage

Azure files is a shared network file storage service that provides administrator a way to access native smb file shared in the cloud.

Using this smb protocol we can integrate with our local machine to cloud azure.

Azure Queue Storage

Azure Queue Storage is a service that allows users to store high volumes of messages, process them asynchronously and consume them when needed.

Here we put a retention day of 7 days or a month as per required.

After that day the message will be disappear.

Azure table storage

Don't confuse with the name like table that don't mean structured data here.

Azure table storage is a scalable, no-SQL, key-value data storage system that can be used to store large amounts of data in the cloud.

This storage offering has a schema less design and each table has rows, that are composed of key value pairs.

In No-SQL there is a document dB where data stores as Json document file.

similar ex: Mongo dB

Azure Blob Storage

Extra importance for this storage service

Azure blob storage is Microsoft azure service for storing binary large object or blobs which are typically composed of unstructured data such as text, images and videos along with their metadata.

Blobs are stored in directory like structure called Containers.

All the 3 types of data classification we can store into this one place which is blob.

Those classifications are:

  • structured
  • semi-structured
  • unstructured

Benefits of blobs

  • optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data
  • Text or binary data
  • General purpose object storage
  • cost efficient
  • Provide multiple access tiers.

we can do all the tasks using this single blob storage service.

Types of storage account
At the time of creation of storage account there will be option

  • Standard
  • Premium

These two types are called types of storage account.

Standard: as from the name we can understand that it has les s I/O use case with low latency

Premium: This has a very low latency.

  • very good data movement from point A to point B.
  • High I/O use case.

In the time of creation, we have to very careful about the name, name of storage account.

Because it is going to create a URL through which we connect this account from other services or accounts to perform any operation.

Next article will be about azure data lake gen2.

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