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Rashmiranjan Sahoo
Rashmiranjan Sahoo

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Azure Storage services - Learning Day 1

Hi, here I am sharing my learning for my better practices and storing here so that I can read it whenever I need.

If it helps you to learn or recall the fundamental things, I would be happy.


The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

In simple terms Hosting something on the internet and you are not managing on your local system.

Mainly 3 types of service provided by cloud.

1. IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)

IaaS provides the foundational infrastructure elements needed for running applications, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking.

Users can access and manage these resources remotely, eliminating the need for physical servers and data centers.

ex: azure, gcp, aws.

2. PaaS (Platform as a service)

PaaS offers a platform that includes not only infrastructure but also tools and services for developing, testing, and deploying applications.

It abstracts much of the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than managing servers.

ex: Microsoft Azure App Service, Azure Data factory, Data lake, etc.

3. SaaS (Software as a service)

SaaS delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis.

Users access the software through a web browser, and it is typically hosted and maintained by a third-party provider.

This model is user-centric, and users do not need to manage the underlying infrastructure or worry about updates and maintenance.

ex: Microsoft 365.

To store the data in azure there are a lot of service available. Anyone can see from the documentation.

But mostly we use,

  1. Azure storage account
  2. Azure SQL
  3. Azure Data Lake
  4. Azure cosmos DB

Why we need this?

To answer this question lets go back into 90's
when everything stored relational database where size of data is low.

At that time, we use rdbms systems for storing data and processing data.

But when we hit 20's there a lot of tech things come into the world.

The world explores different different technologies and slowly starts generating data in lots of amounts.

So, the big data arises here.

Then 3v's come into the place which describes the key characteristics or challenges associated with the BIG data.

  1. Velocity --> 1sec, 1hr

  2. Variety --> structured, semi structured, unstructured

  3. Volume --> 5GB, 10Gb, 30Gb, 1TB

One of these individuals can't be called as Big Data.

By combining these 3

If 5gb,10gb or any large volume of different varieties of data is generating in every sec, hour, or day then we can call this as BIG DATA.

what is data classification (remember this vocabulary)?

1. structured data

These data have some schema like row, column.
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Mostly in tabular format.
ex: SQL, csv, spreadsheet

2. semi-structured data

No-SQL, key-value pair, JSON.

3. Unstructured data

media files, office files, text files, log files.

Next article will be about azure storage services.

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