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Cover image for One beach to rule them all
Ricardo Monteiro
Ricardo Monteiro

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One beach to rule them all

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

I created a simple responsive design using only CSS and pure JavaScript. And let me tell you... it was fun! It's so easy to use React and Tailwind, but working directly with the DOM was a refreshing and imperative experience, quite literally!

My goal was to develop a nice responsive design for browsing through beaches, adding more flair with an image for each beach on its details page.


You can test the project on my GitHub Pages:

Or check out the code in my repository:


The hardest part, as always, was choosing the colors and designing the layout. I love to code, but when it comes to design, it's a challenge. I really enjoyed sending direct commands to the DOM, just like in the '90s.

I challenged myself not to use any external libraries, and after overcoming many (a lot) of obstacles, I believe I built something truly nice.

I hope you enjoy it as well!

Feel free to make any changes or play around with it; this project is under the MIT license, so you can do whatever you want! =)

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