Welcome back. This is the 5th post of our 7 post Rust tutorial.
Structs and enums are fundamental tools in Rust to organize and represent data. They make your code more readable, efficient, and expressive.
Step 1: What Are Structs?
A struct is like a blueprint for creating custom data types that group related information together.
Example: A Person Struct
Hereโs how you define and use a struct:
struct Person {
name: String,
age: u8, // u8 means an unsigned 8-bit integer (0โ255)
fn main() {
// Create an instance of the Person struct
let person = Person {
name: String::from("Chisom"),
age: 25,
// Access and print struct fields
println!("Name: {}, Age: {}", person.name, person.age);
Defining a Struct:
struct Person
defines the structure.
It has two fields: name (a string)
and age (a number)
Creating an Instance:
Person { name: String::from("Chisom"), age: 25 }
creates a Person instance.
Accessing Fields:
Use person.name
and person.age
to access the data.
Step 2: Adding Methods to Structs
You can add methods (functions) to structs to perform operations on their data.
Example: A Rectangle Struct with an area Method
struct Rectangle {
width: u32, // u32 means an unsigned 32-bit integer
height: u32,
impl Rectangle {
// Define a method to calculate area
fn area(&self) -> u32 {
self.width * self.height
fn main() {
let rect = Rectangle { width: 10, height: 5 };
println!("The area of the rectangle is: {}", rect.area());
impl Rectangle: Implements methods for the Rectangle struct.
fn area(&self): A method that calculates the area.
&self refers to the instance being used.
You call the method with rect.area().
Step 3: What Are Enums?
An enum represents a type that can have one of several predefined variants. Think of it as a way to describe "one thing out of many options."
Example: A Direction Enum
enum Direction {
fn main() {
let movement = Direction::Up;
match movement {
Direction::Up => println!("Going up!"),
Direction::Down => println!("Going down!"),
Direction::Left => println!("Going left!"),
Direction::Right => println!("Going right!"),
Defining an Enum:
enum Direction defines possible directions: Up, Down, Left, Right.
Using match
checks which variant is used and runs the corresponding code.
Each arm of match
corresponds to a variant of the enum.
Step 4: Enums with Data
Enums can also hold data for each variant.
Example: A Message Enum
enum Message {
fn main() {
let msg = Message::Text(String::from("Hello"));
match msg {
Message::Text(text) => println!("Message: {}", text),
Message::Number(num) => println!("Number: {}", num),
Each variant of Message can hold different types of data (String or i32).
extracts the data inside the variant using patterns.
Practice for Today
Struct Practice:
Create a Car struct with fields for brand, model, and year.
Write a program to print a car's details.
struct Car {
brand: String,
model: String,
year: u16,
fn main() {
let car = Car {
brand: String::from("Toyota"),
model: String::from("Corolla"),
year: 2020,
println!("{} {} ({})", car.brand, car.model, car.year);
Enum Practice:
Create an enum Weather with variants Sunny, Rainy, and Cloudy.
Use match to print an appropriate message for each variant.
enum Weather {
fn main() {
let today = Weather::Sunny;
match today {
Weather::Sunny => println!("It's a bright and sunny day!"),
Weather::Rainy => println!("Don't forget your umbrella!"),
Weather::Cloudy => println!("Looks like it might rain."),
๐ Thatโs it for RUST BASICS 5! Youโve learned Structs and Enums. In the next post, weโll learn Functions and Error Handling in Rust.
Feel free to share your solutions or ask questions in the comments. Happy coding! ๐ฆ
Check out the Rust Documentation for more details.
Let me know if anything feels unclear!
Let me know how these examples feel, and if you'd like more exercises or clarification!
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