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Iotawise: An Open-Source Habit Tracking App

Introducing Iotawise, an open-source habit tracking app I built using latest technologies such as Next.js /app dir and shadcn/ui, designed to make tracking habits and building activity streaks effortless!

Github Repository: Source
Live Website: Iotawise

Features 📙

  • User-Friendly Interface: With Iotawise, tracking your habits is as easy as it gets. The intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience for users of all levels.

  • Habit/Activity Tracking: Monitor your daily habits effortlessly and keep a close eye on your progress over time.

  • Activity Streak Monitoring: Stay motivated by visualizing your activity streaks. Celebrate your accomplishments and stay on track with your goals.

  • Dashboard Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your habits with analytics and visualization on the dashboard. Understand patterns and optimize your routines for success.

  • Cross-Platform Support (PWA): Access Iotawise from any device with cross-platform support, thanks to its Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities.

Tech Stack 🛠️

  • Next.js: Using the /app directory for the utilization of cutting-edge technologies.

  • TypeScript: Ensuring type-safe and scalable code.

  • Tailwind CSS: Styling made easy for a sleek and responsive design.

  • shadcn/ui Components: Leveraging components for a consistent and polished UI.

  • NextAuth.js: Implementing secure Google Authentication.

  • Prisma: An ORM for seamless database interactions.

  • Zod: Utilizing Zod for robust data validations.

  • PlanetScale: The MySQL database ensuring data integrity and performance.

Contribute 🤝

Iotawise is open source, and your contributions are more than welcome! Whether you're a developer, designer, or habit enthusiast, join me in making Iotawise even better. Check out the GitHub repository and feel free to contribute!

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