Hey guys, how are you?!
Hacktoberfest is happening and I see a lot of really cool movements, like articles here on Dev and in the community on Dis...
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In a stage of depression because GitLab just hates me I guess? It wont let me do any requests for anything.
But it doesnt really matter because I’ve been too busy with two personal projects to even get anything done.
Good, working on personal projects is a good way to relax. Do you already have an environment for these projects for us to see?!
Almost. I am working on a UI for a group of small games, but also a task app that is almost done. I think the task app first (it’s called Tasky) and then the small games UI. It’s going to be like CrazyGames where users submit games. I have too much to do to make the games, but I’m really excited to see what people come up with.
🤣🤣 I confess that I have never done any PR through GitLab but I work with it in my daily life. What kind of problems are you having?!
I can’t really seem to do a merge into hacktoberfest.
Yeah have just completed it. Have created 5 pull requests for the hacktoberfest and also 4 PRs on the repos that really needed some bug fixes but not participating in hacktoberfest! You know contribution is the real thing!
As a maintainer this year for two repositories, things are going great.
I received a lot of PRs and Issues from the community members, and @renancferro, you're doing fantastic as well. 🔥
That's cool, have you ever participated in a Hacktoberfest as a non-maintainer?! I think next year I'll change a little and participate as a maintainer too!
Yes back in 2019
I've had 4 PRs accepted and and fifth one is pending. I've hit pause on Hacktoberfest for the moment while I prepare for an interview.
Wooww, really cool man! I'm happy for your interview, good luck! I'm happy for your interview, good luck! Sorry for the curiosity, but is it for Development?!
Yes, Cool company doing neat stuff in the edTech field.
Niiice, congratulations and good luck!
I'm having some difficulties, because this is my first event and I'm lost, I don't know how I can contribute or be a contributor, I'm just starting out in the programming area 🦤.
Salvee, vi que você é Br por isso vou responder em pt man 🤣
Mano, o começo é um pouco estranho/difícil mesmo porque causa umas confusões. Mas dando um pequeno overview:
Contribuidor é basicamente sair caçando issues nos repositórios e criar o pull request, saca (Procura issues pra atualizar readme, adicionar links e tal, tem algumas fáceis e tem as mais hards também). Esse repositório tem umas issues bem tranquilas de contribuir mojo-is-awesome, basicamente é só procurar/adicionar links de artigos relacionados ao mojo.
Mantenodor: Seria basicamente você ter um repositório e criar as issues pra comunidade resolver/contribuir.
La no grupo do Discord do evento o pessoal esta compartilhando altos repositórios (Não sei se você esta nele) dai é só procurar o que você mais se sente a vontade 😅
Espero ter ajudado mano mas qualquer coisa pode mandar aqui que vamos nos falando 🤟
Cara valeu, ajudou demais, vou entrar no discord e dar uma olhada nas issues do repo que você recomendou, ajudou demais, obrigaduu 🦤.