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Cover image for Why did I use JHipster?
Renan Franca
Renan Franca

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Why did I use JHipster?

I have been thinking that we type a lot of boilerplate code demanded by the technology before the business logic code.

Even though, as a backend developer, using Spring Boot Annotation, Lombok and maven archetype project doesn't completely solve this issue. Why didn't we already automate the development process itself?

After some research I found JHipster wich is a rapid application development plataform for java web applications and microservices.

Some of the JHipster options:

• Generate simple monolith web applications

• Generate complete microservice architecture

• Generate domain model (entities)

• Generate Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines

• Deploy to the cloud or containers

I am using JHipster because I am tired of:

• Create/Type entity classes

• Create/Type Repository, Services and Controllers classes with CRUD code

• Create integration test for CRUD operation

• Create DTO classes

• Create Mapper classes

• Configure liquibase

• Configure Security

• Configure spring application yml for each environment

  • Database connection

  • Spring profiles

  • Set framework/library properties

• Manually keep spring boot and the project dependencies updated

• Create yml files to deploy on Kubernetes

I hope you have the time to try out JHipster. If you have any questions or just want to say something, please, use the comment section 😊

Top comments (5)

renanfranca profile image
Renan Franca • Edited

Hi @lukeshiru, thank you for the info.

Users must make a good-faith effort to share content that is on-topic, of high-quality, and is not designed primarily for the purposes of promotion or creating backlinks.

JHipster is an open-source project (free to use) and I am just a fan of the project because it was useful to me as a developer. My intention is just to share my experience using it and maybe it will help other developers to decide to use it or not, I missed this kind of content when I started to use a new technology/framework/project. This series isn't finished yet, I'll share the tradeoffs that I had to make.

Posts must contain substantial content — they may not merely reference an external link that contains the full post.

I only used the canonical_url from front matter custom variable that links to the original content which is on the Editor Guide

Thank you very much for taking the time to guide me. I am new to the dev. to community and I want to make it right.

Update: I take a look at and cross-post my blog content is allowed 😊👍

erikpischel profile image
Erik Pischel • Edited

I don't like that JTL Studio is online only. I can't put confidential information in there.

Update: there is a docker image...

renanfranca profile image
Renan Franca

Hi @erikpischel , I understand your point.

In that case you can use the vscode jdl extension or the eclipse plugin.
I use the vscode extension for quick changes and I have a git repository for my jdl files. The extension syntax check works pretty well and every time you save the file its create/update a jpg file with the diagram.

I didn't know about the docker image! Thank you!

renanfranca profile image
Renan Franca • Edited

What are you tired of?

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