DEV Community

Discussion on: How dynamically generates social images

renannobile profile image
Renan Lourençoni Nobile

Very interesting post, never thought of how those images were generated (to be fair, I don't use Twitter so I didn't know this was a thing), but it seems so simple and effective I might say.

Isn't the cache-busting bot a primitive way of doing the "cleaning", are there any alternatives to that?

I've seen Cloudinary in action in a few projects me and a friend worked at college, didn't know it had that capability, really awesome feature.

You guys plan on moving to the HTML generated image in a short term?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Isn't the cache-busting bot a primitive way of doing the "cleaning", are there any alternatives to that?

I'm not totally sure I understand the question. Perhaps you could rephrase? To my knowledge this is the best way to go about it. Twitter associates the image with the URL which cannot be changed after it gets tweeted out. For updating future tweets we could tag a random hash on at the end like some do, but that wouldn't help the first part.

But maybe I'm misunderstanding.

No plans on moving away from this style immediately, but it will happen soon enough.

renannobile profile image
Renan Lourençoni Nobile

That's actually what I wanted to know, thanks.

I mean, I have zero knowledge regarding cache-busting, was just asking for curiosity.