Hi everyone,
My goal is to keep the post short, so If you don't know what is schema access this link.
Schemas can be useful to clients, maybe a schema by the client or schema by "category". In my job(our business is based in soccer) we use schemas by championship and year.
A sample :
championship *that's the model
Ok, now we need to create a new schema ucl_2019, right?
I researched and after some time, I found a function to help me, but I needed to do changes. I didn't remember exactly what I needed to do, so I decided to share the function I've been using. Another thing this function will create everything indexes, keys, foreign keys, etc...
Ok, that is the function you need to run in your database.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.clone_schema( | |
source_schema text, | |
dest_schema text) | |
RETURNS void AS | |
$BODY$ | |
object text; | |
buffer text; | |
default_ text; | |
column_ text; | |
constraint_name_ text; | |
constraint_def_ text; | |
trigger_name_ text; | |
trigger_timing_ text; | |
trigger_events_ text; | |
trigger_orientation_ text; | |
trigger_action_ text; | |
-- replace existing schema | |
EXECUTE 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS ' || dest_schema || ' CASCADE'; | |
-- create schema | |
EXECUTE 'CREATE SCHEMA ' || dest_schema ; | |
-- create sequences | |
FOR object IN | |
SELECT sequence_name::text FROM information_schema.SEQUENCES WHERE sequence_schema = source_schema | |
LOOP | |
EXECUTE 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' || dest_schema || '.' || object; | |
-- create tables | |
FOR object IN | |
SELECT table_name::text FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = source_schema | |
LOOP | |
buffer := dest_schema || '.' || object; | |
-- create table | |
EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || buffer || ' (LIKE ' || source_schema || '.' || object || ' INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING INDEXES INCLUDING DEFAULTS)'; | |
-- fix sequence defaults | |
FOR column_, default_ IN | |
SELECT column_name::text, REPLACE(column_default::text, source_schema||'.', dest_schema||'.') FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = dest_schema AND table_name = object AND column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' || source_schema || '.%::regclass)' | |
LOOP | |
EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || buffer || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || column_ || ' SET DEFAULT ' || default_; | |
-- create triggers | |
FOR trigger_name_, trigger_timing_, trigger_events_, trigger_orientation_, trigger_action_ IN | |
SELECT trigger_name::text, action_timing::text, string_agg(event_manipulation::text, ' OR '), action_orientation::text, action_statement::text FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS WHERE event_object_schema=source_schema and event_object_table=object GROUP BY trigger_name, action_timing, action_orientation, action_statement | |
LOOP | |
EXECUTE 'CREATE TRIGGER ' || trigger_name_ || ' ' || trigger_timing_ || ' ' || trigger_events_ || ' ON ' || buffer || ' FOR EACH ' || trigger_orientation_ || ' ' || trigger_action_; | |
-- reiterate tables and create foreign keys | |
FOR object IN | |
SELECT table_name::text FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = source_schema | |
LOOP | |
buffer := dest_schema || '.' || object; | |
-- create foreign keys | |
FOR constraint_name_, constraint_def_ IN | |
SELECT conname::text, REPLACE(pg_get_constraintdef(pg_constraint.oid), source_schema||'.', dest_schema||'.') FROM pg_constraint INNER JOIN pg_class ON conrelid=pg_class.oid INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid=pg_class.relnamespace WHERE contype='f' and relname=object and nspname=source_schema | |
LOOP | |
EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE '|| buffer ||' ADD CONSTRAINT '|| constraint_name_ ||' '|| constraint_def_; | |
END; | |
$BODY$ | |
COST 100; |
After that, you only need to run
select clone_schema('source','destination')
In my case,
select clone_schema('championship','ucl_2019');
I hope it can be useful to you. I love PostgreSQL, so I want to write more about other features I like or I think that can be useful.
My new post will be a sequence for that, I'll show how to update the schemas, running migrations in the schemas. I wrote the post
Top comments (7)
great function, thanks
I had to add quote_ident( befor the sequence and table names becaus of a bad names in my db.
25: SELECT QUOTE_IDENT(sequence_name::text) FROM ...
32: SELECT QUOTE_IDENT(table_name::text) FROM ...
thanks for your info, it will help others :)
this is amazing, saves me a lot of time, thanks for sharing this information with everyone
Hi Miguel, thanks for the feedback I'm so happy to know my post as helpful to someone
Which Postgresl version are you using ? I tried it on 11.5 but got Syntax errror.
I've been used 10.6 can you tell me the error, maybe I can help you
How can I do to clone also the data of the tables?