Hey guys,
We built tiiny.host to greatly simplify hosting. All feedback appreciated.
Here's a common question we get:
Q: How is this different to github pages, netlify, surge.sh etc?
No knowledge of git or cmd line required (great for beginners)
Sites you upload disappear within 7 days. Great for prototyping and temporarily hosting stuff to share.
Unlimited subdomains (not the case with github pages)
No registration required (you can remain anonymous)
Top comments (11)
I seems like a good concept, however I couldn't seem to get it working! I kept getting an
Oops, something went wrong
error!Which browser are you using by the way?
Did it work when using our template? Might be something we need to address in your zip file.
Ah. It might be my zip file because the example worked. I just used the ChromeOS file zipper.
Do you mind sending it over to support@tiiny.host ? Would love to take a look and see whats going on.
Awesome to quickly publish something!
What is your suggested development workflow to maintain / collaborate on it?
As an engineer I would ideally host my template site in our github repo and push it out
OR have an editor tool in your admin.
I couldn't find it, I guess the use case then is to quickly try out / show off things!
I like drag and drop concept. Because in Netlify, we can't use drag and drop feature via mobile.
Thanks for your kind words, let us know if there are any other features you'd like to see!
The most favourite static site generator for now is about Hugo, Gatsby, Jekyll, Eleventy, Gridsome, etc. Your drag and drop feature is really good to make developer works easier via mobile. Maybe you can add more content or tutorial video about how to build and deploy that static website with tiiny.host even via mobile. Also, your short video is great for Twitter and Instagram content too.