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Riccardo Odone
Riccardo Odone

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A State Monad in PureScript

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Functional programmers love pure functions. Unfortunately, some things are inherently stateful. However, that doesn't mean we cannot tackle them in purely functional languages. It just means they are more naturally modelled using mutable state. Or at least, that's what a background in object oriented code could make us think.

One thing that is easily modelled with mutable state is a stack. This is how Wikipedia describes it

In computer science, a stack is an abstract data type that serves as a collection of elements, with two principal operations:

  • push, which adds an element to the collection, and
  • pop, which removes the most recently added element that was not yet removed.

And this is how it looks in code:

type Stack = List Int

push :: Int -> Stack -> Stack
push x st = x : st

pop :: Stack -> Tuple (Maybe Int) Stack
pop xs = Tuple (head xs) (drop 1 xs)

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  let stack           = 3 : 2 : 1 : Nil
      stack4          = push 4 stack
      Tuple m4 stack3 = pop stack4
      Tuple m3 stack2 = pop stack3
  logShow stack
  -- (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow stack4
  -- (4 : 3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow m4
  -- (Just 4)
  logShow stack3
  -- (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow m3
  -- (Just 3)
  logShow stack2
  -- (2 : 1 : Nil)
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If we rewrite push and we put it side by side with pop

push :: Int -> Stack -> Tuple Unit Stack
push x st = Tuple unit (x : st)

pop :: Stack -> Tuple (Maybe Int) Stack
pop xs = Tuple (head xs) (drop 1 xs)
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we can notice a symmetry. In particular, we can image push and pop as operations that produce a tuple of results: an intermediate value and the new state of the stack.

When popping the intermediate value is the popped value and the new state of the stack is the old stack without the popped value.

When pushing the intermediate value is nothing (we use unit to model that) and the new state of the stack is the old stack with the pushed value added.

This intuition of a function that produces an intermediate value and a new state is captured by the State Monad. Let's implement one!

Implementing the Stat3 Monad

In this section we are going to implement a State Monad. We will use 4s and 3s in place of as and es in names (e.g. Stat3 vs State). Since we are going to use the same api as the State monad from Control.Monad.State, that will avoid name clashes.

We start by defining Stat3:

newtype Stat3 s v = Stat3 (s -> Tuple v s)
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In other words, a wrapper around a function that goes from current state to tuple of intermediate value and new state. We've used two type variables to be able to control the type of the state (s) and the type of the intermediate value (v).

That looks really similar to the types of pop (Stack -> Tuple (Maybe Int) Stack) and push (... -> Stack -> Tuple Unit Stack).

Then we define a function to "unwrap" s -> Tuple v s and run it with an initial state s:

runStat3 :: forall s v. Stat3 s v -> s -> Tuple v s
runStat3 (Stat3 g) s = g s
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To be able to write declarative code and match the api of State we implement all the required typeclasses until Monad.

In particular, we implement the typeclasses on Stat3 s and not Stat3. That's because they work on type constructors of kind * -> * and not * -> * -> *.

instance functorStat3 :: Functor (Stat3 s) where
    -- map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    map g f = Stat3 (\s -> let Tuple v s' = runStat3 f s in Tuple (g v) s')

instance applyStat3 :: Functor (Stat3 s) => Apply (Stat3 s) where
    -- apply :: forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    apply fg f = Stat3 (\s -> let Tuple g s'  = runStat3 fg s
                                  Tuple v s'' = runStat3 f s' in Tuple (g v) s'')

instance applicativeStat3 :: Apply (Stat3 s) => Applicative (Stat3 s) where
    -- pure :: forall a. a -> f a
    pure v = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple v s)

instance bindStat3 :: Apply (Stat3 s) => Bind (Stat3 s) where
    -- bind :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    bind m g = Stat3 (\s -> let Tuple v s' = runStat3 m s in runStat3 (g v) s')
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Now we can write

pushStat3 :: Int -> Stat3 (List Int) Unit
pushStat3 x = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple unit (x : s))

popStat3 :: Stat3 (List Int) (Maybe Int)
popStat3 = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple (head s) (drop 1 s))

m4nip :: Stat3 (List Int) Unit
m4nip = do
    pushStat3 4
    _ <- popStat3
    _ <- popStat3
    pure unit

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  logShow $ runStat3 m4nip (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  -- (Tuple unit (2 : 1 : Nil))
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We can improve pushStat3 and popStat3 as follows:

g3t :: forall s. Stat3 s s
g3t = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple s s)

m0dify_ :: forall s. (s -> s) -> Stat3 s Unit
m0dify_ g = do
    s <- g3t
    Stat3 (\s -> Tuple unit (g s))

popStat3 :: Stat3 (List Int) (Maybe Int)
popStat3 = do
    xs <- g3t
    m0dify_ $ drop 1
    pure $ head xs

pushStat3 :: Int -> Stat3 (List Int) Unit
pushStat3 x = m0dify_ (\s -> x : s)
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Using the Real™ State Monad

Using the State Monad is as easy as replacing 3s with es and 4s with as:

pushState :: Int -> State (List Int) Unit
pushState x = modify_ (\s -> x : s)

popState :: State (List Int) (Maybe Int)
popState = do
    xs <- get
    modify_ $ drop 1
    pure $ head xs

manip :: State (List Int) Unit
manip = do
    pushState 4
    _ <- popState
    _ <- popState
    pure unit

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  logShow $ runState manip (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  -- (Tuple unit (2 : 1 : Nil))
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The Whole Code

module Main where

import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (logShow)
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State

type Stack = List Int

push :: Int -> Stack -> Stack
push x st = x : st

pop :: Stack -> Tuple (Maybe Int) Stack
pop xs = Tuple (head xs) (drop 1 xs)

newtype Stat3 s v = Stat3 (s -> Tuple v s)

runStat3 :: forall s v. Stat3 s v -> s -> Tuple v s
runStat3 (Stat3 g) s = g s

instance functorStat3 :: Functor (Stat3 s) where
    -- map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    map g f = Stat3 (\s -> let Tuple v s' = runStat3 f s in Tuple (g v) s')

instance applyStat3 :: Functor (Stat3 s) => Apply (Stat3 s) where
    -- apply :: forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    apply fg f = Stat3 (\s -> let Tuple g s'  = runStat3 fg s
                                  Tuple v s'' = runStat3 f s' in Tuple (g v) s'')

instance applicativeStat3 :: Apply (Stat3 s) => Applicative (Stat3 s) where
    -- pure :: forall a. a -> f a
    pure v = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple v s)

instance bindStat3 :: Apply (Stat3 s) => Bind (Stat3 s) where
    -- bind :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    bind m g = Stat3 (\s -> let Tuple v s' = runStat3 m s in runStat3 (g v) s')

pushSt4t3 :: Int -> Stat3 (List Int) Unit
pushSt4t3 x = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple unit (x : s))

popSt4t3 :: Stat3 (List Int) (Maybe Int)
popSt4t3 = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple (head s) (drop 1 s))

g3t :: forall s. Stat3 s s
g3t = Stat3 (\s -> Tuple s s)

m0dify_ :: forall s. (s -> s) -> Stat3 s Unit
m0dify_ g = do
    s <- g3t
    Stat3 (\s -> Tuple unit (g s))

popStat3 :: Stat3 (List Int) (Maybe Int)
popStat3 = do
    xs <- g3t
    m0dify_ $ drop 1
    pure $ head xs

pushStat3 :: Int -> Stat3 (List Int) Unit
pushStat3 x = m0dify_ (\s -> x : s)

m4nip :: Stat3 (List Int) Unit
m4nip = do
    pushStat3 4
    _ <- popStat3
    _ <- popStat3
    pure unit

pushState :: Int -> State (List Int) Unit
pushState x = modify_ (\s -> x : s)

popState :: State (List Int) (Maybe Int)
popState = do
    xs <- get
    modify_ $ drop 1
    pure $ head xs

manip :: State (List Int) Unit
manip = do
    pushState 4
    _ <- popState
    _ <- popState
    pure unit

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  let stack           = 3 : 2 : 1 : Nil
      stack4          = push 4 stack
      Tuple m4 stack3 = pop stack4
      Tuple m3 stack2 = pop stack3
    logShow stack
  -- (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow stack4
  -- (4 : 3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow m4
  -- (Just 4)
  logShow stack3
  -- (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow m3
  -- (Just 3)
  logShow stack2
  -- (2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow $ runStat3 manip (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  -- (2 : 1 : Nil)
  logShow $ runState manip' (3 : 2 : 1 : Nil)
  -- (2 : 1 : Nil)

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