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Rifky Alfarez
Rifky Alfarez

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Learn Redux Toolkit - React (TypeScript)

What is Redux and Redux Toolkit

Redux is a state management library that helps manage state in React applications. Redux Toolkit is the official library for managing global state in React apps in a simpler and more structured way than regular Redux.

Redux Key Concepts

  • Store: Where the application state is stored.
  • Action: An object that describes what you want to do. Usually has a type and payload.
  • Reducer: A function that determines how the state is changed based on the action received.
  • Dispatch: The method to send the action to the store.
  • Selector: The function to retrieve data from the store.

Redux Toolkit (RTK) Simplification

RTK makes Redux setup easy with features like:

  • configureStore(): Creates a store with default settings.
  • createSlice(): Combines action and reducer in one place.
  • createAsyncThunk(): Manages async data like an API call.

Set Up Project

Install react with vite

npm create vite@latest
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Install react redux and redux tool kit

npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
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Project Structure

Project Structure

Basic Steps

Setup store

// store.ts

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {},

export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;
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Integration to app

// main.tsx

import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import App from './App.tsx';
import './index.css';
import { store } from './state/store.ts';

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!);

    <Provider store={store}>
      <App />
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Create slice

// counterSlice.ts
import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

interface CounterState {
  value: number;

const initialState: CounterState = {
  value: 0,

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  reducers: {
    increment: (state) => {
      state.value += 1;
    decrement: (state) => {
      state.value -= 1;
    incrementByAmount: (state, action: PayloadAction<number>) => {
      state.value += action.payload;

export const { increment, decrement, incrementByAmount } = counterSlice.actions;
export default counterSlice.reducer;
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Update store.ts

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import counterReducer from './slice/counterSlice';

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    counter: counterReducer,

export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;
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Use redux in components

// App.tsx

import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { AppDispatch, RootState } from './state/store';
import {
} from './state/slice/counterSlice';

export default function App() {
  const count = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.counter.value);
  const dispatch: AppDispatch = useDispatch();

  return (
    <div className="min-h-screen w-full flex items-center justify-center gap-x-4">
        onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())}
        disabled={count === 0}
        className="bg-neutral-800 text-neutral-100 text-base px-2 py-1 rounded-md"
      <span className="text-neutral-900 text-base border border-neutral-800 rounded-md px-2 py-1">
        onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}
        className="bg-neutral-800 text-neutral-100 text-base px-2 py-1 rounded-md"
        onClick={() => dispatch(incrementByAmount(10))}
        className="bg-neutral-800 text-neutral-100 text-base px-2 py-1 rounded-md"
        Increment by Amount
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Implement Redux Persist

Persist in Redux is used to save application state to local storage (localStorage or sessionStorage), so that data is not lost when the user refreshes the page. The Redux Toolkit supports this with the help of the redux-persist library.

Install redux persist

npm install redux-persist
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Update store.ts

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import counterReducer from './slice/counterSlice';
import storage from 'redux-persist/lib/storage';
import { persistReducer, persistStore } from 'redux-persist';

const persistConfig = {
  key: 'root',

const persistedReducer = persistReducer(persistConfig, counterReducer);

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    counter: persistedReducer,

export const persistor = persistStore(store);
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;
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Update main.tsx

import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import App from './App.tsx';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { persistor, store } from './state/store.ts';
import { PersistGate } from 'redux-persist/integration/react';

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!);

    <Provider store={store}>
      <PersistGate loading={null} persistor={persistor}>
        <App />
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Final Output

Final Output


I hope this guide helps you understand how to set up and use Redux Toolkit with TypeScript and implement Redux Persist in your React project. Thank you for following along!

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