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Rittwick Bhabak
Rittwick Bhabak

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2 Understanding The Basics CRUD Operations

1. Running mongoDB server in a particular port

By default mongoDB runs on the port 27017 on local machine. To run it on a different port in local machine the following commands are used

  • Running mongoDB server mongod --port 27018
  • Running mongoDB shell mongo --port 27018

2. Database, Collection and Documents

One or more database can exists.
Inside one database there are several Collections. Inside one collection there are several Documents(or piece of data)

>use flights
switched to db flights
>show dbs
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Until we insert data flights will not be shown by use dbs.
Database, collection will be created only when we start inserting data.

3. JSON, BSON and _id

MongoDB actually stores BSON data. It happens behind the scene and we don't have to worry about this.

  •{ "name": "A book" }) is same as{ name: "A book" }) which is also same as{ 'name': "A book" }).
    name is not quoted in the second case, we can do it as long as there is not white space in the key.

  • _id is inserted by mongoDB. This is unique for every entry. ObjectId() also includes timestamp inside it. So a sorting by time is guaranteed using ObjectId.

  • We can also manually insert _id. But in that case it have to be unique. Otherwise we'll get a duplicate key error.

4. CRUD Intro

insertOne(data, options)
insertMany(data, options)
find(filter, options)
findOne(filter, options)
find returns all the matches and findOne returns only the first match.
deleteOne(filter, options)
deleteMany(filter, options)
updateOne(filter, data, options)
updateMany(filter, data, options)
repaceOne(filter, data, options)


        "_id" : ObjectId("5fa6408a74dbf85f087ac5c4"),
        "departureAirport" : "MUC",
        "arrivalAirport" : "SFO",
        "aircraft" : "Airbus A380",
        "distance" : 12000,
        "intercontinental" : true
        "_id" : ObjectId("5fa6433574dbf85f087ac5c5"),
        "departureAirport" : "Kol",
        "arrivalAirport" : "Delhi"
        "_id" : "kol-delhi-1",
        "departureAirport" : "Kol",
        "arrivalAirport" : "Delhi"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

db.flightData.deleteOne({ _id: "kol-delhi-2" }) will not return any error.
db.flightData.deleteOne({ _id: "kol-delhi-1" }) will delete the last entry.
db.flightData.deleteMany({}) will delete all of the entries as {} selects every entry.

db.flightData.updateOne({ distance: 12000 } , { distance: 1000 }) will not work and will return an error. We've to use $set keyword here.
db.flightData.updateOne({distance: 12000 }, {$set: { distance: 1000}}) will actually update the first match.

5. Understanding insertMany()

We've to pass an array to insertMany() like this: insertMany([ {...}, {...} ])

    "departureAirport": "MUC",
    "arrivalAirport": "SFO",
    "departureAirport": "LHR",
    "aircraft": "Airbus A320",
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6. Diving deeper into find data

To find exactly equal to something: db.flightData.find({ distance: 12000 })
To find greater than a distance db.flightData.find({ distance: {$gt: 10000} })
To find less than a distance db.flightData.find({ distance: {$lt: 10000} })
.find() returns all of the matches whereas .findOne() returns only the first match.

7. update, updateOne and updateMany

update replaces the whole object where updateMany and updateOne adds attributes to the existing object and not overwrites.
Instead update, it is better to use replaceOne function.
The syntax of update is db.passengers.update({_id:"ps1"}, {key:value}). It does not contain $set keyword.

8. Understanding the find() and the cursor object

.find() returns only the first 20 results, it actually returns a cursor. To get all of the data we've to use db.passengers.find().toArray()
In mongoDB shell we can use forEach() to the query and it fetches data one by one and not all the data at once.

pretty() can be applied only on the cursor object and that's why we can apply pretty() only to the .find() method and not the others like findOne() etc.

9. Understanding Projection

Selecting the columns is called projection.

    "_id" : ObjectId("5fa7a7930a15db273b6746aa"),
    "name" :"Armin Glutch",
    "age" : 35
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We've a lot of objects like above. To select only the name we can do the following db.passengers.find({}, { name:1}). Note that the first object is empty, which means select all of the objects and then select only the 'name' attribute.
_id is selected by default. To off the _id also, we can write the following db.passengers.find({}, {_id:0, name:1})

10. Embedded Documents

Documents inside a document. Till 100 level is permissible in mongoDB and the size of a document can be maximum of 16MB.
An example of inserting embedded document:
db.flightData.updateMany({}, {$set: {status: {delayed:"on-time", "last-update":"1 hr ago", pilots:{name:"Rittwick"}}}})

An example of inserting embedded array:
db.passengers.updateMany({age:35}, {$set: hobbies:["coocking", 'sports']})

Retrieving embedded document:
Note that status.delayed is under quotes. We've to use quote otherwise it will not work.

Retrieving embedded array:

11. Wrap Up

Database, Collection and Documents

  • A Database can hold multiple document, and a document can hold multiple document.
  • Database and collections are created lazily, i.e. when a document is inserted.
  • A Document can't directly be inserted in a database, you need to use a collection. Document Structure
  • Each document needs a unique id (and gets a by default).
  • You may have embedded array and document fields. CRUD Operations
  • CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • find() returns a cursor, NOT a list of documents.

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