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Ritvik Dubey
Ritvik Dubey

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Dark Mode in CSS (toggle)

Hey all this article is about Dark mode and light mode toggle switch in CSS, we will discuss dark mode implementation in CSS in detail. Yes you can make a dark mode toggle switch with CSS only without JavaScript and that too with few lines of code.

This can be achieved using 2 CSS properties


The invert() function is used with filter property to invert the color samples. The invert() function requires an argument to be passed to it. This argument determines the proportion of the conversion applied. This argument can be either a percentage value or a number.


The hue-rotate function is also used with filter property to rotate the hue of an element and its contents. An hue-rotation is where you specify an angle around the color circle that the hue of element and its component will be adjusted by. This take arguments in angle.
Color wheel

Let's understand it better with examples

Basic element

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #fff;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Haha, you might have not found anything in above pen, actually its blank only have white background.

Apply invert() in above example

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #fff;
    filter: invert(1);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now you can see in this example that we have applied invert() function, so here the background color changed to black but we have given white color to background property. So here invert() function plays its role and inverted white into black.

Let's add some content in it.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #fff;
h1 {
   color: #000;
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Here in above example we have added some content i.e., h1 in the main element.

Apply invert() in above example

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #fff;
    filter: invert(1);
h1 {
   color: #000;
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Here in above example we have applied invert() function to main and we set the color of h1 to black but as we have applied invert() function it also got changed into black from white along with background but background color changed into black because it was specified as white.

Let's give some other color to h1

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #fff;
h1 {
   color: red;
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Here we have given red color to h1.

Apply hue-rotate() along with invert() to above example

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #fff;
    filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
h1 {
   color: red;
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Here we have applied hue-rotate() function along with taking help from color-wheel. Now you can see its color changed to pink from red.

Let's add an image instead of h1

    <img src="" >
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main {
    background: #000;
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Here we have added an image whose color is white so we have changed background of main to black.

Apply invert() to above example

    <img src="" >
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main {
    background: #000;
    filter: invert(1);
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Here you can see that as we applied invert to the main element the color of the background changed to white from black but the color of our image also changed to black from white.

Apply invert() to keep the color of image same

    <img src="" >
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main {
    background: #000;
    filter: invert(1);
img {
    filter: invert(1);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here as we have applied invert() function to our image along with main so you can see that *color of our image remained same.

Let's combine all the properties we have learnt so far

On applying all these properties in appropriate manner with the toggle switch with the help of sibling selectors we can have a dark mode toggle with CSS only. To understand it better I suggest you to go through the code of pen below. And if you want to read more about sibling selectors then you can read my blog on sibling selectors here

<input type="checkbox" />
    <img src="" >
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
main {
    background: #000;
h1 {
    color: #fca311;
img {
   //other properties here
input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ main {
  filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ main > img {
  filter: invert(1);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here is one of my pen, here I have done something interesting with properties explained above.

Edited -----------------------------------------------------

For those who like to use custom method here is a the other way by which you can make a custom dark-mode without JavaScript. Dark-Mode in CSS Part-2 .

Thank you for reading this I hope you found it helpful.

Please feel free to share your views about it.

I hope you liked it and found it helpful.

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Top comments (32)

curlmuhi profile image
Ekta Maurya

Amazing articleπŸ‘ŒπŸ’―
And your "I'm broken" Pen was amazing😍🀩

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you so much EktaπŸ˜‡β€οΈ

sendy profile image

I used invert but only to invert logos etc whenever there was dark background behind. But never thought about trying Theming using Invert.

Amazing. Thanks for sharing :)

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you I'm glad you found it helpfulπŸ˜‡

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza

Great article Ritvik...
Keep going

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you so much brotherπŸ˜‡

braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚑️ • Edited

Great article! Do you have any ideas on how to implement with TailwindCSS classes?

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you πŸ˜‡ sorry no idea, I haven't tried Tailwind CSS yet😐 But I think if there is a way you can customize it then you can do it.

braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚑️

Good to know. Thanks again :D

trap_introvert profile image
Adedamola Adeniyi


ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thanks πŸ™ŒπŸ˜€

zhiyueyi profile image
Zhiyue Yi

This is so nice!! Thank you!!

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you for reading. Hope you found it helpfulπŸ˜‡

tomavelev profile image
Toma • Edited

Very cool and optimal. It's still in a W3C draft but, implementers are faster than standardizers. The list of features will expand:

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Okay I'll check itπŸ™ŒπŸ˜€
Thank you 😊

abdieldev profile image
Abdiel Ortega

Great work!

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you πŸ˜‡

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you so much ShadowπŸ˜‡β€οΈ. Yeah for sure next series will be awesomeπŸ™ŒπŸ€©

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Wow nice very cool.

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you πŸ˜‡

rrz profile image
Rafael Ramos • Edited

Simple and well explained, really nice article, Thanks!

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you so much πŸ˜‡

ljcdev profile image

Very interesting post πŸ˜€, never heard of invert before, saving it for it later πŸ‘Œ.

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you so much JCπŸ˜‡ yeah invert helps a lot.!!

ozobianwadibia profile image
Ozobia Nwadibia

Does the new theme persist after you refresh the page? I couldn't try this as I was viewing your work on a mobile device.

king11 profile image
Lakshya Singh

Amazing article 🎊

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank YouπŸ˜‡

suweya profile image

very interesting

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

Thank you πŸ™ŒπŸ˜€