DEV Community

Roman Kudryashov
Roman Kudryashov

Posted on • Edited on • Originally published at

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GraphQL in Rust

In today’s article, I’ll describe how to create a GraphQL backend using Rust and its ecosystem. The article provides examples of an implementation of the most common tasks that can be encountered while creating GraphQL API. Finally, three microservices will be combined into a single endpoint using Apollo Server and Apollo Federation. This allows clients to fetch data from any number of sources simultaneously, without needing to know which data comes from which source.



In terms of functionality described project is quite similar to one described in my previous article, but now it is written using Rust’s stack. The project’s architecture looks like this:


Each component of the architecture answers several questions that may arise when implementing GraphQL API. The domain model includes data about planets in the Solar System and their satellites. The project has a multi-module structure and consists of the following modules:

There are two main libraries for creating a GraphQL backend in Rust: Juniper and Async-graphql, but only the latter supports Apollo Federation, so I chose it for the project (there is also an open issue for Federation support in Juniper). Both libraries follow the code-first approach.

Also, PostgreSQL is used for persistence layer implementation, JWT — for authentication, and Kafka — for asynchronous messaging.

Stack of technologies

The following table summarizes a stack of main technologies used in the project:

Type Name Site GitHub
Language Rust link link
GraphQL library Async-graphql link link
Single GraphQL endpoint Apollo Server link link
Web framework actix-web link link
Database PostgreSQL link link
Event streaming platform Apache Kafka link link
Container orchestration tool Docker Compose link link

Also, some other used Rust libraries:

Type Name Site GitHub
ORM Diesel link link
Kafka client rust-rdkafka link link
Password hashing library argonautica link link
JWT library jsonwebtoken link link
Testing library Testcontainers-rs link link


To launch the project locally you only need Docker Compose. Without Docker, you might need to install the following:

  • Rust

  • Diesel CLI (to install run cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres)

  • LLVM (this is needed for the argonautica crate to work)

  • CMake (this is needed for the rust-rdkafka crate to work)

  • PostgreSQL

  • Apache Kafka

  • npm


Root Cargo.toml specifies three applications and one library:

Root Cargo.toml

members = [
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Let’s start with planets-service.


Cargo.toml looks like this:


name = "planets-service"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

common-utils = { path = "../common-utils" }
async-graphql = "2.4.3"
async-graphql-actix-web = "2.4.3"
actix-web = "3.3.2"
actix-rt = "1.1.1"
actix-web-actors = "3.0.0"
futures = "0.3.8"
async-trait = "0.1.42"
bigdecimal = { version = "0.1.2", features = ["serde"] }
serde = { version = "1.0.118", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.60"
diesel = { version = "1.4.5", features = ["postgres", "r2d2", "numeric"] }
diesel_migrations = "1.4.0"
dotenv = "0.15.0"
strum = "0.20.0"
strum_macros = "0.20.1"
rdkafka = { version = "0.24.0", features = ["cmake-build"] }
async-stream = "0.3.0"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"

jsonpath_lib = "0.2.6"
testcontainers = "0.9.1"
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async-graphql is a GraphQL library, actix-web is a web framework, and async-graphql-actix-web provides integration between them.

Core functions

We’ll go right away to the

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let pool = create_connection_pool();

    let schema = create_schema_with_context(pool);

    HttpServer::new(move || App::new()
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Here an environment and HTTP server are configured using functions defined in the

pub fn configure_service(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) {
            .route(web::get().guard(guard::Header("upgrade", "websocket")).to(index_ws))

async fn index(schema: web::Data<AppSchema>, http_req: HttpRequest, req: Request) -> Response {
    let mut query = req.into_inner();

    let maybe_role = common_utils::get_role(http_req);
    if let Some(role) = maybe_role {
        query =;


async fn index_ws(schema: web::Data<AppSchema>, req: HttpRequest, payload: web::Payload) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
    WSSubscription::start(Schema::clone(&*schema), &req, payload)

async fn index_playground() -> HttpResponse {
        .content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8")

pub fn create_schema_with_context(pool: PgPool) -> Schema<Query, Mutation, Subscription> {
    let arc_pool = Arc::new(pool);
    let cloned_pool = Arc::clone(&arc_pool);
    let details_batch_loader = Loader::new(DetailsBatchLoader {
        pool: cloned_pool

    let kafka_consumer_counter = Mutex::new(0);

    Schema::build(Query, Mutation, Subscription)
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These functions do the following:

  • index — processes GraphQL queries and mutations

  • index_ws — processes GraphQL subscriptions

  • index_playground — provides Playground GraphQL IDE

  • create_schema_with_context — creates GraphQL schema with global contextual data that are accessible at runtime, for example, a pool of database connections

Query and type definition

Let’s consider how to define a query:

Query definition

impl Query {
    async fn get_planets(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Vec<Planet> {
        repository::get_all(&get_conn_from_ctx(ctx)).expect("Can't get planets")
            .map(|p| { Planet::from(p) })

    async fn get_planet(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: ID) -> Option<Planet> {
        find_planet_by_id_internal(ctx, id)

    async fn find_planet_by_id(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: ID) -> Option<Planet> {
        find_planet_by_id_internal(ctx, id)

fn find_planet_by_id_internal(ctx: &Context<'_>, id: ID) -> Option<Planet> {
    let id = id.to_string().parse::<i32>().expect("Can't get id from String");
    repository::get(id, &get_conn_from_ctx(ctx)).ok()
        .map(|p| { Planet::from(&p) })
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The queries are getting data from a database using a repository. Obtained entities are converted to GraphQL DTO (that allows us to preserve the single-responsibility principle for each struct). get_planets and get_planet queries can be accessed from any GraphQL IDE, for example like this:

Query example

  getPlanets {
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Planet struct is defined as follows:

GraphQL type definition

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Planet {
    id: ID,
    name: String,
    planet_type: PlanetType,

impl Planet {
    async fn id(&self) -> &ID {

    async fn name(&self) -> &String {

    /// From an astronomical point of view
    #[graphql(name = "type")]
    async fn planet_type(&self) -> &PlanetType {

    #[graphql(deprecation = "Now it is not in doubt. Do not use this field")]
    async fn is_rotating_around_sun(&self) -> bool {

    async fn details(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Details {
        let loader =<Loader<i32, Details, DetailsBatchLoader>>().expect("Can't get loader");
        let planet_id =<i32>().expect("Can't convert id");
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Here we define a resolver for each field. Also, for some fields, description (as Rust’s comment) and deprecation reason are specified. These will be shown in a GraphQL IDE.

N+1 problem

If the definition of details function of Planet above was naive, this would lead to N+1 problem, that is, if you made such a request:

Example of possible resource-consuming GraphQL request

  getPlanets {
    details {
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then separate SQL call would be executed for details field of each planet because Details is a separate entity from Planet and is stored in its own table.

But with help of Async-graphql’s implementation of DataLoader details resolver can be defined as follows:

Resolver definition

async fn details(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<Details> {
    let data_loader =<DataLoader<DetailsLoader>>().expect("Can't get data loader");
    let planet_id =<i32>().expect("Can't convert id");
    let details = data_loader.load_one(planet_id).await?;
    details.ok_or_else(|| "Not found".into())
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data_loader is an application-scoped object defined in this way:

DataLoader definition

let details_data_loader = DataLoader::new(DetailsLoader {
    pool: cloned_pool
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DetailsLoader is implemented like this:

DetailsLoader definition

pub struct DetailsLoader {
    pub pool: Arc<PgPool>

impl Loader<i32> for DetailsLoader {
    type Value = Details;
    type Error = Error;

    async fn load(&self, keys: &[i32]) -> Result<HashMap<i32, Self::Value>, Self::Error> {
        let conn = self.pool.get().expect("Can't get DB connection");
        let details = repository::get_details(keys, &conn).expect("Can't get planets' details");

            .map(|details_entity| (details_entity.planet_id, Details::from(details_entity)))
            .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>())
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This method helps us to prevent N+1 problem because each DetailsLoader.load call executes just one SQL call returning a bunch of DetailsEntity.

Interface definition

GraphQL interface and its implementations can be defined in this way:

GraphQL interface definition

#[derive(Interface, Clone)]
    field(name = "mean_radius", type = "&CustomBigDecimal"),
    field(name = "mass", type = "&CustomBigInt"),
pub enum Details {

#[derive(SimpleObject, Clone)]
pub struct InhabitedPlanetDetails {
    mean_radius: CustomBigDecimal,
    mass: CustomBigInt,
    /// In billions
    population: CustomBigDecimal,

#[derive(SimpleObject, Clone)]
pub struct UninhabitedPlanetDetails {
    mean_radius: CustomBigDecimal,
    mass: CustomBigInt,
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Here you can also see that if the structure doesn’t have a single field with a complex resolver, it can be implemented using SimpleObject attribute.

Custom scalar definition

Custom scalars allow defining how to represent a value of some type and how to parse it. The project contains two examples of custom scalar definition; both are wrappers for numeric structures (because you can’t implement an external trait on an external type due to the orphan rule). The wrappers are implemented as follows:

Custom scalar: wrapper for BigInt

pub struct CustomBigInt(BigDecimal);

#[Scalar(name = "BigInt")]
impl ScalarType for CustomBigInt {
    fn parse(value: Value) -> InputValueResult<Self> {
        match value {
            Value::String(s) => {
                let parsed_value = BigDecimal::from_str(&s)?;
            _ => Err(InputValueError::expected_type(value)),

    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
        Value::String(format!("{:e}", &self))

impl LowerExp for CustomBigInt {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let val = &self.0.to_f64().expect("Can't convert BigDecimal");
        LowerExp::fmt(val, f)
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Custom scalar: wrapper for BigDecimal

pub struct CustomBigDecimal(BigDecimal);

#[Scalar(name = "BigDecimal")]
impl ScalarType for CustomBigDecimal {
    fn parse(value: Value) -> InputValueResult<Self> {
        match value {
            Value::String(s) => {
                let parsed_value = BigDecimal::from_str(&s)?;
            _ => Err(InputValueError::expected_type(value)),

    fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
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The former example also shows how to represent a large number using exponential (scientific) notation.

Mutation definition

A mutation can be defined as the following:

Mutation definition

pub struct Mutation;

impl Mutation {
    #[graphql(guard(RoleGuard(role = "Role::Admin")))]
    async fn create_planet(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, planet: PlanetInput) -> Result<Planet, Error> {
        let new_planet = NewPlanetEntity {
            planet_type: planet.planet_type.to_string(),

        let details = planet.details;
        let new_planet_details = NewDetailsEntity {
            mean_radius: details.mean_radius.0,
            mass: BigDecimal::from_str(&details.mass.0.to_string()).expect("Can't get BigDecimal from string"),
            population:|wrapper| { wrapper.0 }),
            planet_id: 0,

        let created_planet_entity = repository::create(new_planet, new_planet_details, &get_conn_from_ctx(ctx))?;

        let producer =<FutureProducer>().expect("Can't get Kafka producer");
        let message = serde_json::to_string(&Planet::from(&created_planet_entity)).expect("Can't serialize a planet");
        kafka::send_message(producer, message).await;

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To use an object as input parameter of a mutation you need to define a structure in this way:

Input type definition

struct PlanetInput {
    name: String,
    #[graphql(name = "type")]
    planet_type: PlanetType,
    details: DetailsInput,
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The mutation is protected by RoleGuard which ensures that only users with Admin role can access it. So to execute the mutation, for example, like this:

Example of mutation usage

mutation {
    planet: {
      name: "test_planet"
      details: { meanRadius: "10.5", mass: "8.8e24", population: "0.5" }
  ) {
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you need to specify Authorization header with a JWT obtained from auth-service (this will be described later).

Subscription definition

In the mutation definition above you could see that on a planet creation a message is sent:

Sending a message to Kafka

let producer =<FutureProducer>().expect("Can't get Kafka producer");
let message = serde_json::to_string(&Planet::from(&created_planet_entity)).expect("Can't serialize a planet");
kafka::send_message(producer, message).await;
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The API client can be notified of the event by using a subscription that listens to Kafka consumer:

Subscription definition

pub struct Subscription;

impl Subscription {
    async fn latest_planet<'ctx>(&self, ctx: &'ctx Context<'_>) -> impl Stream<Item=Planet> + 'ctx {
        let kafka_consumer_counter =<Mutex<i32>>().expect("Can't get Kafka consumer counter");
        let consumer_group_id = kafka::get_kafka_consumer_group_id(kafka_consumer_counter);
        let consumer = kafka::create_consumer(consumer_group_id);

        async_stream::stream! {
            let mut stream = consumer.start();

            while let Some(value) = {
                yield match value {
                    Ok(message) => {
                        let payload = message.payload().expect("Kafka message should contain payload");
                        let message = String::from_utf8_lossy(payload).to_string();
                        serde_json::from_str(&message).expect("Can't deserialize a planet")
                    Err(e) => panic!("Error while Kafka message processing: {}", e)
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A subscription can be used like queries and mutations:

Example of subscription usage

subscription {
  latestPlanet {
    details {
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Subscription URL is ws://localhost:8001.

Integration tests

Tests for queries and mutations can be written like this:

Query test

async fn test_get_planets() {
    let docker = Cli::default();
    let (_pg_container, pool) = common::setup(&docker);

    let mut service = test::init_service(App::new()

    let query = "
            getPlanets {
                details {
                    ... on InhabitedPlanetDetails {

    let request_body = GraphQLCustomRequest {
        variables: Map::new(),

    let request = test::TestRequest::post().uri("/").set_json(&request_body).to_request();

    let response: GraphQLCustomResponse = test::read_response_json(&mut service, request).await;

    fn get_planet_as_json(all_planets: &serde_json::Value, index: i32) -> &serde_json::Value {
        jsonpath::select(all_planets, &format!("$.getPlanets[{}]", index)).expect("Can't get planet by JSON path")[0]

    let mercury_json = get_planet_as_json(&, 0);
    common::check_planet(mercury_json, 1, "Mercury", "TERRESTRIAL_PLANET", "2439.7");

    let earth_json = get_planet_as_json(&, 2);
    common::check_planet(earth_json, 3, "Earth", "TERRESTRIAL_PLANET", "6371.0");

    let neptune_json = get_planet_as_json(&, 7);
    common::check_planet(neptune_json, 8, "Neptune", "ICE_GIANT", "24622.0");
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If a part of a query can be reused in another query, you can use fragments:

Query test using fragment

const PLANET_FRAGMENT: &str = "
    fragment planetFragment on Planet {
        details {
            ... on InhabitedPlanetDetails {

async fn test_get_planet_by_id() {

    let query = "
            getPlanet(id: 3) {
                ... planetFragment
        ".to_string() + PLANET_FRAGMENT;

    let request_body = GraphQLCustomRequest {
        variables: Map::new(),

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To use variables, you can write test in this way:

Query test using a fragment and variables

async fn test_get_planet_by_id_with_variable() {

    let query = "
        query testPlanetById($planetId: String!) {
            getPlanet(id: $planetId) {
                ... planetFragment
        }".to_string() + PLANET_FRAGMENT;

    let jupiter_id = 5;
    let mut variables = Map::new();
    variables.insert("planetId".to_string(), jupiter_id.into());

    let request_body = GraphQLCustomRequest {

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In this project, Testcontainers-rs library is used to prepare test environment, that is, to create a temporary PostgreSQL database.

GraphQL API client

You can use code snippets from the previous section to create a client to an external GraphQL API. Also, there are special libraries for this purpose, for example, graphql-client, but I haven’t used them yet.

API security

There are different security threats to your GraphQL API (see this checklist to learn more); let’s consider some of these aspects.

Query depth and complexity limit

If the Satellite structure contained planet field, the following request would be possible:

Example of expensive query

  getPlanet(id: "1") {
    satellites {
      planet {
        satellites {
          planet {
            satellites {
              ... # more deep nesting!
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To make such a request invalid we can specify:

Example of query depth and complexity limit

pub fn create_schema_with_context(pool: PgPool) -> Schema<Query, Mutation, Subscription> {

    Schema::build(Query, Mutation, Subscription)

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Note that if you specify depth or complexity limit, then documentation of a service may stop showing in your GraphQL IDE. This is because the IDE tries to perform an introspection query that has considerable depth and complexity.


This functionality is implemented in auth-service using argonautica and jsonwebtoken crates. The former crate is responsible for a user’s password hashing using Argon2 algorithm. Authentication and authorization functionality is only for demo; please do more research for production use.

Let’s consider how signing in is implemented:

Signing in implementation

pub struct Mutation;

impl Mutation {

    async fn sign_in(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, input: SignInInput) -> Result<String, Error> {
        let maybe_user = repository::get_user(&input.username, &get_conn_from_ctx(ctx)).ok();

        if let Some(user) = maybe_user {
            if let Ok(matching) = verify_password(&user.hash, &input.password) {
                if matching {
                    let role = AuthRole::from_str(user.role.as_str()).expect("Can't convert &str to AuthRole");
                    return Ok(common_utils::create_token(user.username, role));

        Err(Error::new("Can't authenticate a user"))

struct SignInInput {
    username: String,
    password: String,
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You can check the implementation of verify_password function in utils module and create_token in common_utils module. As you may expect, sign_in function issues JWT that further can be used for authorization in other services.

To get a JWT you need to perform the following mutation:

Getting JWT

mutation {
  signIn(input: { username: "john_doe", password: "password" })
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For that, you can use john_doe/password credentials. Including obtained JWT to further requests allows access to protected resources (see next section).


To request protected data you need to add a header to an HTTP request in the format Authorization: Bearer $JWT. index function will extract a user’s role from the request and will add it to a query data:

Role extraction

async fn index(schema: web::Data<AppSchema>, http_req: HttpRequest, req: Request) -> Response {
    let mut query = req.into_inner();

    let maybe_role = common_utils::get_role(http_req);
    if let Some(role) = maybe_role {
        query =;

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The following attribute was applied to create_planet mutation defined earlier:

Guard usage

#[graphql(guard(RoleGuard(role = "Role::Admin")))]
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Guard itself is implemented as follows:

Guard implementation

struct RoleGuard {
    role: Role,

impl Guard for RoleGuard {
    async fn check(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<()> {
        if ctx.data_opt::<Role>() == Some(&self.role) {
        } else {
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So if you don’t specify a token, the server will respond with a message containing "Forbidden".

Enum definition

GraphQL enum can be defined in this way:

Enum definition

struct Satellite {
    life_exists: LifeExists,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Enum, EnumString)]
#[strum(serialize_all = "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE")]
pub enum LifeExists {
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Work with dates

Async-graphql supports date/time types from chrono library, so you can define such fields as usual:

Date field definition

struct Satellite {
    first_spacecraft_landing_date: Option<NaiveDate>,
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Apollo Federation support

One of the purposes of satellites-service is to demonstrate how the distributed GraphQL entity (Planet) can be resolved in two (or more) services and then accessed through Apollo Server.

Planet type was earlier defined in the planets-service in this way:

Definition of Planet type in planets-service

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Planet {
    id: ID,
    name: String,
    planet_type: PlanetType,
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Also, in planets-service Planet type is an entity:

Planet entity definition

impl Query {
    async fn find_planet_by_id(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: ID) -> Option<Planet> {
        find_planet_by_id_internal(ctx, id)
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satellites-service extends Planet entity by adding the satellites field to it:

Extension of Planet type in satellites-service

struct Planet {
    id: ID

impl Planet {
    async fn id(&self) -> &ID {

    async fn satellites(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Vec<Satellite> {
        let id =<i32>().expect("Can't get id from String");
        repository::get_by_planet_id(id, &get_conn_from_ctx(ctx)).expect("Can't get satellites of planet")
            .map(|e| { Satellite::from(e) })
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You should also provide a lookup function for an extended type (here it just creates a new instance of Planet):

Lookup function for Planet type

impl Query {

    async fn get_planet_by_id(&self, id: ID) -> Planet {
        Planet { id }
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Async-graphql generates two additional queries (_service and _entities) that will be used by Apollo Server. These queries are internal, i.e., they won’t be exposed by Apollo Server. Of course, a service with Apollo Federation support can still work independently.

Apollo Server

Apollo Server and Apollo Federation allow achieving 2 main goals:

  • create a single endpoint to access GraphQL APIs provided by multiple services

  • create a single data graph from distributed entities

That is, even if you don’t use federated entities, it is more convenient for frontend developers to use a single endpoint rather than multiple endpoints.

There is another way for creating a single GraphQL schema, schema stitching, but I haven’t used this approach.

This module includes the following sources:

Meta information and dependencies

  "name": "api-gateway",
  "main": "gateway.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start-gateway": "nodemon gateway.js"
  "devDependencies": {
    "concurrently": "5.3.0",
    "nodemon": "2.0.6"
  "dependencies": {
    "@apollo/gateway": "0.21.3",
    "apollo-server": "2.19.0",
    "graphql": "15.4.0"
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Apollo Server definition

const {ApolloServer} = require("apollo-server");
const {ApolloGateway, RemoteGraphQLDataSource} = require("@apollo/gateway");

class AuthenticatedDataSource extends RemoteGraphQLDataSource {
    willSendRequest({request, context}) {
        if (context.authHeaderValue) {
            request.http.headers.set('Authorization', context.authHeaderValue);

let node_env = process.env.NODE_ENV;

function get_service_url(service_name, port) {
    let host;
    switch (node_env) {
        case 'docker':
            host = service_name;
        case 'local': {
            host = 'localhost';

    return "http://" + host + ":" + port;

const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
    serviceList: [
        {name: "planets-service", url: get_service_url("planets-service", 8001)},
        {name: "satellites-service", url: get_service_url("satellites-service", 8002)},
        {name: "auth-service", url: get_service_url("auth-service", 8003)},
    buildService({name, url}) {
        return new AuthenticatedDataSource({url});

const server = new ApolloServer({
    gateway, subscriptions: false, context: ({req}) => ({
        authHeaderValue: req.headers.authorization

server.listen({host: "", port: 4000}).then(({url}) => {
    console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);
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If the source above can be simplified, feel free to contact me for change.

Authorization in apollo-service works as was described earlier for Rust services (you just need to specify Authorization header and its value).

An application written in any language or framework can be added as a downstream service to Apollo Server if it implements Federation specification; a list of libraries that offer such support is available in the documentation.

While implementing this module, I encountered some limitations:

Interaction with a database

The persistence layer is implemented using PostgreSQL and Diesel. If you don’t use Docker locally, you should run diesel setup being in each service’s folder. This will create an empty database to which then will be applied migrations creating tables and inserting data.

Project launch and API testing

As was mentioned before, for launching the project locally you have two options:

  • using Docker Compose (docker-compose.yml)

    In its turn, here you also have two options:

    • development mode (using locally built images)

      docker-compose up --build

    • production mode (using released images)

      docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

  • without Docker

    Start each Rust service using cargo run, then start Apollo Server:

    • cd to the apollo-server folder
    • define NODE_ENV variable, for example, set NODE_ENV=local (for Windows)
    • npm install
    • npm run start-gateway

A successful launch of apollo-server should look like this:

Apollo Server startup log

[nodemon] 2.0.6
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node gateway.js`
Server ready at
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You can navigate to http://localhost:4000 in your browser and use a built-in Playground IDE:


Here you can execute queries, mutations, and subscriptions defined in downstream services. Also, each of those services has its own Playground IDE.

Subscription test

To test whether the subscription works open two tabs of any GraphQL IDE; in the first subscribe as follows:

Request for subscription

subscription {
  latestPlanet {
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In the second specify Authorization header as was described above and perform mutation like this:

Request for mutation

mutation {
    planet: {
      name: "Pluto"
      type: DWARF_PLANET
      details: { meanRadius: "1188", mass: "1.303e22" }
  ) {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The subscribed client will be notified of a planet creation:

subscription demo


CI/CD is configured using GitHub Actions (workflow) that runs applications' tests, builds their Docker images, and deploys them on Google Cloud Platform.

You can take a look at the described API here.

Note: On the "production" environment password is different from the one specified earlier to prevent changing initial data.


In this article, I considered how to solve the most common problems that can arise while developing GraphQL API in Rust. Also, I showed how to combine APIs of Rust GraphQL microservices to provide a unified GraphQL interface; in such an architecture an entity can be distributed among several microservices. It is achieved by using Apollo Server, Apollo Federation, and Async-graphql library. The source code of the considered project is on GitHub. Feel free to contact me if you have found any mistakes in the article or the source code. Thanks for reading!

Useful links

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Scott Beeker

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