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Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd
Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd

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Easy ways to optimize android app size during development

The responsibility of android app development often requires the developer to incorporate many novel features in a new app. However, a feature-packed app also risks becoming a huge data size app. On the other hand, people do not prefer large-size applications. The reason behind this app size preference is that large-size application often negatively affect the phone’s performance. No one wants an app that creates phone lags and glitches in phone use.

Why is App Size reduction important?

Therefore, the android app development services not only focus on features but also reduce the size of the app in development. Although mobile storage spaces have grown, the number of apps on the phone has also grown. Today’s most important aspect of development is size reduction without compromising with features and performance. The use of large size apps uses up more data, space, RAM, and battery life, reducing the performance and efficiency of the phone.

How to reduce overall app size?

Reduction in overall app size needs multiple steps. Together, the steps create lesser-sized apps that suit every operating system and work on different phones. The reduction of app size is an important step because, with an increase in size, the chances of installation go down. According to studies, the chances of installation for an app above 150 MB go down by 30 percent of usual installations. Most people prefer installing apps that are lower than 100 MB in size.

The steps an android app development company takes to create small size app are as follows:

1. Image Optimization

One easy and convenient step towards reducing app size is reducing image size. The reduction of image size does not always affect the image’s resolution. The image optimization process can be done in both .jpg and .png formats. Both the picture formats can be changed into .webp or web picture format, which reduces the size of images and apps.

Many tools help in downsizing images without compromising the quality. On the other hand, designers can also use vector elements to create resolution-independent image representations in-app. Many tools help in image compression without affecting the design layout of the app.

2. Cutting out the redundant code

Many conventional apps carry excess code or redundant code for a command that has already been given or a value that has already been computed. Such redundant codes do not offer any support to the app’s functionality. Such codes need to be eliminated from the code framework of the app. Reducing excess redundant codes from the software reduces the chances of large size and clumsy performance. This code framework optimization helps create a better app in terms of size and performance.

3. Dead code elimination

Dead code is the unnecessary code bits that do not serve any purpose for the app. Such codes only increase the code volume and size of the app. The defective code only adds to the code framework and increases the load. The removal of dead code helps optimize the app performance. It reduces the size and increases the efficiency of the running app. The elimination of such codes does not affect the overall features and functionality of the app.

This is because dead code does not have any role in the code framework. The elimination of such code only positively impacts the app’s performance. The elimination of the code helps improve the source code quality. The process helps optimize the code size and load on the app. The reduction of defective code from the framework helps create an app without bugs and gaps in features.

Get to know more here Steps to reduce android app size during app development

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