DEV Community

Rodrigo M.S.
Rodrigo M.S.

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An issue task board for audacious open source contributors

At Quine we’re developing an application that helps developers build verifiable experience by solving GitHub issues ✨

Software developers build experience with every line of code they write. However, writing code is not enough to achieve our true potential. Our learnings are only maximised when we get exposed to other professionals and to other ways of solving problems. For software developers, this often reduces to having the opportunity to write code in as many high-quality codebases as possible.

Why? Every time we contribute code to other repos we need to onboard ourselves to a new developer community, and adopt patterns and processes that might be completely different to the ones we’re used to. This is a very demanding process that requires lots of time and energy, but the efforts always pay off in the long run. After a few repos, patterns start to emerge and getting to the merge becomes easier with every pull request submitted.

At Quine we’re helping you gain exposure to as many codebases as possible by pointing you to high-value contribution opportunities in open source. However, we don’t stop there. One of our goals is to streamline every part of the contributor journey, and make the whole process smooth and frictionless. For this reason we built a special effort-management tool for those audacious and ambitious contributors who take on the challenge of working in multiple repos at once: a task board for GitHub issues.

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Working on multiple open source codebases simultaneously can be a difficult process to manage. The first version of our task board can help you get on top of this process by helping you monitor key metadata of every issue you're planning to tackle. Comments, reactions, assignees, and descriptions are globally visible. Should you need them, links to GitHub are also a click away.

Try it out and let us know what you think! Don't forget to link the PRs you merge in your task board 🙂

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