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Roderick Schmogick
Roderick Schmogick

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Turning Sequences of Numbers into Arithmetic Progressions

I've been thinking quite a bit about arithmetic progressions since I came across the problem "The Arithmetic Progression Detective" on Codewars. An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers such that, for any consecutive numbers xix_i and xi+1x_{i + 1} in the sequence, xi+1xix_{i + 1} - x_i is always the same value, d,d, known as the common difference. One example of an arithmetic progression is the sequence 5,10,15,20,25,30,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, whose common difference is—you guessed it!—5.\textrm{is---you guessed it!---}5.

Let sns_n be an arbitrary sequence of integers, or terms. Let dnd_n be the common difference of the arithmetic progression from which sns_n deviates by no more than one value—the incorrect value—if such a progression exists. I'm going to call sns_n fixable if and only if such a progression exists. If sns_n cannot be turned into an arithmetic progression through the replacement of just one number in sn,s_n, then sns_n is not fixable. Bearing this in mind, what limits can we identify to the range of fixable sequences?

Let s1s_1 be the sequence 1,2,4,5.1, 2, 4, 5. Let s2s_2 be the sequence 2,5,6,8.2, 5, 6, 8. s1s_1 is not a fixable sequence. But s2s_2 clearly is, since s2s_2 deviates by just one number from the arithmetic progression 2,4,6,8.2, 4, 6, 8.

s1s_1 and s2s_2 have a great deal in common. Each includes four numbers. Each superficially resembles an arithmetic progression. Each contains exactly one apparent deviation, in one sense or another: exactly one step whose size differs from the others' in the case of s1,s_1, and exactly one incorrect value in the case of s2.s_2. So what difference between these two sequences makes s2s_2 fixable and s1s_1 not?

One of the first things I noticed is, unlike s2,s_2, s1s_1 consists of steps all but one of which are the same size. To see this, note the following. The step from 22 to 44 in s1s_1 is of size 2.2. The remaining steps in s1s_1 are of size 1.1. By contrast, in s2,s_2, each step's a different size. Steps one through three, respectively, are of sizes 3,1,3, 1, and 2.2. So, the only step of size d2d_2 in s2s_2 is the third and final step, from 66 to 8.8.

This goes to show you should not take for granted that sns_n contains more steps of size dnd_n than of any other size, even assuming that there are four or more values in sn,s_n, and that only one is incorrect.

But this difference between s1s_1 and s2s_2 does not fully explain their differing with respect to fixability. Some sequences are just like s1s_1 in that they consist of steps all but one of which are the same size, but they are still fixable. One such sequence is 1,4,6,8.1, 4, 6, 8. All you have to do to fix this is replace 11 with 2.2. Really any sequence is fixable whose first or last term is the sole incorrect value. For our purposes the incorrect value in sns_n is defined as the one and only term whose replacement can single-handedly turn sns_n into an arithmetic progression.

What sets s1s_1 apart from a sequence whose first or final term is the only wrong one? Why is s1s_1 not fixable like that kind of sequence? An obvious response is that s1s_1 doesn't contain exactly one incorrect value. But I'm not satisfied with that answer. It's not wrong, but it's not illuminating either. It raises questions like: "How many incorrect values does s1s_1 contain? How exactly do we count them?" We need to explicate what makes a value incorrect and how we can tell a value meets that condition. Maybe the following is a better answer.

In s1s_1 we have a step of size 1,1, followed by one of size 2,2, followed by one of size 1.1. If we could turn that second step into a step of size 1,1, we'd be able to create an arithmetic progression. But if we try to do that by moving the second step's beginning closer to its end, we widen the first step; the first step ends where the second begins. If on the other hand we move the second step's end closer to its beginning, we widen the third step; the third step begins where the second ends.

So there are ways to decrease the size of the second step from 22 to 1.1. But they all end up shortening or lengthening one of the other steps, such that it is no longer of size 1.1. (Well, more precisely, all our options have this result if we limit ourselves to replacing just one integer in s1s_1 with just one integer.) So we don't end up with an arithmetic progression.

That's where 1,2,4,51, 2, 4, 5 differs from 1,4,6,8.1, 4, 6, 8. The latter sequence consists of a step of size 3,3, followed by two steps of size 2.2. Crucially, that first step has an endpoint that no other step has. That is, the first number in the sequence is where the first step begins, and no other step begins or ends with that term. So you can replace that term with any number you want, including a number xx such that 4x=2.4 - x = 2. The substitution will affect no step but the first, which is the only one you want to change.

Here is a more formal proof that you cannot turn 1,2,4,51, 2, 4, 5 into an arithmetic progression by replacing just one term with just one integer. We can split into two categories the integers in s1s_1 there are to replace: the numbers on the ends and those in between.

Suppose you replace exactly one of the two numbers on the ends (i.e., 1 or 5).(\textrm{i.e., } 1 \textrm{ or } 5). Replacing 11 changes only the size or direction of the first step, whereas replacing 55 changes only the size or direction of the final step. So after you replace 1,1, the sizes of the second and third steps are still, respectively, 22 and 1.1. And after you replace 5,5, the sizes of the first and second steps are still, respectively, 11 and 2.2. But all the steps in the modified sequence must be the same size, if the sequence is to count as an arithmetic progression. So the modified sequence cannot be an arithmetic progression. In other words, you cannot turn s1s_1 into an arithmetic progression by replacing just 1,1, or just 5,5, with just one integer.

Suppose that instead you replace exactly one number strictly between those on the ends (i.e., 2 or 4).(\textrm{i.e., } 2 \textrm{ or } 4). Let xx and yy be arbitrary integers such that x2x \not= 2 and y4.y \not= 4. Let s1xs_{1_x} be the sequence resulting from replacing 22 with x.x. Let s1ys_{1_y} be the sequence resulting from replacing 44 with y.y.

Recall that s1s_1 is the sequence 1,2,4,5.1, 2, 4, 5. Consequently, s1xs_{1_x} is the sequence 1,x,4,5,1, x, 4, 5, and s1ys_{1_y} is the sequence 1,2,y,5.1, 2, y, 5. The first two steps in s1xs_{1_x} differ from the first two in s1;s_1; no other step in s1xs_{1_x} differs from its counterpart in s1.s_1. The final two steps in s1ys_{1_y} differ from the final two in s1;s_1; no other step in s1ys_{1_y} differs from its counterpart in s1.s_1.

Let b=x2,c=y4.b = x - 2, c = y - 4. Then 1+b1 + b is the signed value representing the size and direction (on the number line) of the step from 11 to xx in s1x,s_{1_x} , and 2b2 - b is that representing the size and direction of the step from xx to 44 in s1x.s_{1_x} . Furthermore, 2+c2 + c is the signed value representing the size and direction (on the number line) of the step from 22 to yy in s1y,s_{1_y}, and 1c1 - c is that representing the size and direction of the step from yy to 55 in s1y.s_{1_y} .

s1xs_{1_x} or s1ys_{1_y} is an arithmetic progression only if all steps within it are of the same size and direction. Thus, s1xs_{1_x} is an arithmetic progression only if

1+b=2b=1.1 + b = 2 - b = 1.

And s1ys_{1_y} is an arithmetic progression only if

1=2+c=1c.1 = 2 + c = 1 - c.

But it is true neither that

1+b=2b=11 + b = 2 - b = 1

nor that

1=2+c=1c.1 = 2 + c = 1 - c.

I shall show that neither of these is true by giving a proof by contradiction of the falsity of each.

Here is a proof by contradiction that

1+b=2b=11 + b = 2 - b = 1

is false.

Assume the following, arguendo:

1+b=2b=11 + b = 2 - b = 1


1+b=2b1 + b = 2 - b

1+2b=21 + 2b = 2 (added b to both sides)\tiny (\textrm{added } b \textrm{ to both sides})

2b=12b = 1 (subtracted 1 from both sides)\tiny (\textrm{subtracted } 1 \textrm{ from both sides})

b=12b = \frac{1}{2} (divided both sides by 2)\tiny (\textrm{divided both sides by } 2)

2b=212=322 - b = 2 - \frac{1}{2} = \frac{3}{2}

2b=322 - b = \frac{3}{2} (transitivity of=)\tiny (\textrm{transitivity of} =)

But our initial assumption entails

1=2b.1 = 2 - b.


1=2b=321 = 2 - b = \frac{3}{2}

1=321 = \frac{3}{2} (transitivity of=)\tiny (\textrm{transitivity of} =)

But obviously:

1321 \not= \frac{3}{2}


1=32132.1 = \frac{3}{2} \land 1 \not= \frac{3}{2}.

Contradiction! We derived this from our initial assumption. A contradiction cannot be true, so neither can anything that entails a contradiction. Thus, our initial assumption must be false. Since this conclusion follows given an arbitrary integer x,x, the proof just given demonstrates that 1+b=2b=11 + b = 2 - b = 1 is false regardless of what integer you substitute for 22 in s1.s_{1}.

Now let us prove by contradiction that

1=2+c=1c1 = 2 + c = 1 - c

is false.

Assume the following, arguendo:

1=2+c=1c1 = 2 + c = 1 - c


2+c=1c2 + c = 1 - c

2+2c=12 + 2c = 1 (added c to both sides)\tiny (\textrm{added } c \textrm{ to both sides})

2c=12c = -1 (subtracted 2 from both sides)\tiny (\textrm{subtracted } 2 \textrm{ from both sides})

c=12c = -\frac{1}{2} (divided both sides by 2)\tiny (\textrm{divided both sides by } 2)

2+c=212=322 + c = 2 - \frac{1}{2} = \frac{3}{2}

2+c=322 + c = \frac{3}{2} (transitivity of=)\tiny (\textrm{transitivity of} =)

But our initial assumption entails:

1=2+c1 = 2 + c


1=2+c=321 = 2 + c = \frac{3}{2}

1=321 = \frac{3}{2} (transitivity of=)\tiny (\textrm{transitivity of} =)

But obviously:

1321 \not= \frac{3}{2}


1=32132.1 = \frac{3}{2} \land 1 \not= \frac{3}{2}.

Another contradiction! Since this conclusion follows given an arbitrary integer y,y, the proof just given demonstrates that 1=2+c=1c1 = 2 + c = 1 - c is false regardless of what integer you substitute for 44 in s1.s_{1}.

Recall that s1xs_{1_x} is an arithmetic progression only if

1+b=2b=1.1 + b = 2 - b = 1.

And s1ys_{1_y} is an arithmetic progression only if

1=2+c=1c.1 = 2 + c = 1 - c.

But as the foregoing proofs by contradiction show, it is true neither that

1+b=2b=11 + b = 2 - b = 1

nor that

1=2+c=1c.1 = 2 + c = 1 - c.

Therefore, neither s1xs_{1_x} nor s1ys_{1_y} is an arithmetic progression. But s1xs_{1_x} is the result of replacing 22 in s1s_1 with an arbitrary integer, and s1ys_{1_y} that of replacing 44 in s1s_1 with an arbitrary integer. So, no matter what integer you substitute for 22 or 44 in s1,s_1, you don't thereby get an arithmetic progression.

But if you can't get an arithmetic progression by thus replacing just 22 or 4,4, and you can't do so by thus replacing just 11 or 5,5, then you can't do so by thus replacing just 1,2,4,1, 2, 4, or 5.5. But that means you can't do so by replacing just one integer with just one integer, since 1,2,4,1, 2, 4, and 55 are all the integers there are to replace in s1.s_1.

Therefore, you cannot turn s1s_1 into an arithmetic progression by replacing just one term with just one integer.

From the above proof, what lesson should we draw concerning sequences other than s1?s_1? This is my takeaway.

Let s3s_3 be some sequence of integers x1,x2,,x1,xx_1, x_2, \dots , x_{\ell-1}, x_\ell of length 4.\ell \geq 4. (To be clear, we know s3s_3 includes the four values x1,x2,x1,x_1, x_2, x_{\ell-1}, and x.x_\ell. We don't know if s3s_3 includes other values.) Let 1i.1 \leq i \leq \ell. Let xix_i be the ithi^{\textrm{th}} number in s3.s_3. Let di=xi+1xi.d_i = x_{i + 1} - x_i. Let step ii be the step in s3s_3 from xix_i to xi+1.x_{i + 1}. Note that replacing xix_i with a different integer changes only step i1i - 1 and step i.i.

Let s3zs_{3_z} be the sequence resulting from replacing xix_i with an arbitrary integer z.z. Let xizx_{i_z} be the ithi^{\textrm{th}} number in s3z.s_{3_z}. Let diz=xi+1zxiz.d_{i_z} = x_{i + 1_z} - x_{i_z}. The subscript of xi+1zx_{i + 1_z} should be read as (i+1)z,(i + 1)_z, not as the expression i+1zi + 1_z with which 1z+i1_z + i is interchangeable.

Replacing exactly one integer xix_i in s3s_3 can only turn s3s_3 into an arithmetic progression on the following condition:

FIXABLEyc(yxi=cd1==di1+c=dic==d1).\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}\text{\small : } \small \exists y \exists c (y - x_i = c \land d_1 = \dots = d_{i - 1} + c = d_i - c = \dots = d_{\ell - 1}).

Here is an informal, rough English translation of the logical notation above. There are integers yy and cc such that

(I) cc is the difference between yy and xi,x_i, and

(II) lengthening step i1i - 1 (if there is one), and shortening step ii (if there is one), by cc units ensures all steps have the same size and direction.

Allow me, now, to prove that s3zs_{3_z} is not an arithmetic progression if ¬FIXABLE.\neg\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}.

Assume the following, arguendo:

s3zs_{3_z} is an arithmetic progression, and ¬FIXABLE.\neg\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}.

You know what we have to do. Derive a contradiction!

By the definitions of xix_i and s3z,s_{3_z}, xix_i is the ithi^{\textrm{th}} number in s3,s_3, and s3zs_{3_z} is the sequence resulting from substituting zz for xix_i in s3.s_3. Thus, the ithi^{\textrm{th}} number in s3zs_{3_z} is zz rather than xi.x_i. By definition, xizx_{i_z} is the ithi^{\textrm{th}} number in s3z.s_{3_z}. So, given that xizx_{i_z} and zz are each the ithi^{\textrm{th}} number in s3z,s_{3_z}, it must be that xiz=z.x_{i_z} = z.

Since xizx_{i_z} is the only number in s3zs_{3_z} that differs from the number at the corresponding position in s3,s_3,

ji(xj=xjz).\forall j \neq i (x_j = x_{j_z}).

So, xi+1z=xi+1.x_{i + 1_z} = x_{i + 1}.

So, by the definition of diz,d_{i_z},

diz=xi+1z.d_{i_z} = x_{i + 1} - z.

Solving for xi+1,x_{i + 1},

xi+1=diz+z.x_{i + 1} = d_{i_z} + z.

Then, from the definition of diz,d_{i_z}, we get

di1z=xizxi1z.d_{i - 1_z} = x_{i_z} - x_{i - 1_z}.

So, seeing as xiz=zx_{i_z} = z and xi1z=xi1,x_{i - 1_z} = x_{i - 1}, we may conclude that

di1z=zxi1.d_{i - 1_z} = z - x_{i - 1}.

Then we solve for xi1x_{i - 1} as follows:

xi1=zdi1z.x_{i - 1} = z - d_{i - 1_z}.

Now let's take our solutions for xi+1x_{i + 1} and xi1,x_{i - 1}, and combine them with the following information. The definition of did_i implies that xi+1=di+xix_{i + 1} = d_i + x_i and xi1=xidi1.x_{i - 1} = x_i - d_{i - 1}. Taking all these facts into account, we see both that

di+xi=xi+1=diz+zd_i + x_i = x_{i + 1} = d_{i_z} + z

and that

xidi1=xi1=zdi1z.x_i - d_{i - 1} = x_{i - 1} = z - d_{i - 1_z}.

Of course, that means di+xi=diz+zd_i + x_i = d_{i_z} + z and xidi1=zdi1z.x_i - d_{i - 1} = z - d_{i - 1_z}. Solving both these equations for z,z, we get

z=xi+didizz = x_i + d_i - d_{i_z}

as well as

z=xidi1di1z.z = x_i - d_{i - 1} - d_{i - 1_z}.

From those two equations, we derive

xi+didiz=xidi1di1z,x_i + d_i - d_{i_z} = x_i - d_{i - 1} - d_{i - 1_z},

which we simplify to

didiz=di1zdi1.d_i - d_{i_z} = d_{i - 1_z} - d_{i - 1}.

From our assumption arguendo that s3zs_{3_z} is an arithmetic progression, it follows that di1z=diz.d_{i - 1_z} = d_{i_z}. Given the conjunction of this equation with didiz=di1zdi1,d_i - d_{i_z} = d_{i - 1_z} - d_{i - 1}, it is provable that

diz=di+di12,d_{i_z} = \frac{d_i + d_{i - 1}}{2},

which can be rewritten as

di1=2dizdi.d_{i - 1} = 2d_{i_z} - d_i.

The fact that s3zs_{3_z} is an arithmetic progression tells us the following as well:

d1z=d2z==di1z=diz=di+1z==d2z=d1z.d_{1_z} = d_{2_z} = \dots = d_{i - 1_z} = d_{i_z} = d_{i + 1_z} = \dots = d_{\ell - 2_z} = d_{\ell - 1_z} .

And considering that s3zs_{3_z} is indiscernible from s3s_3 apart from z’sz\textrm{'s} having been substituted for xi,x_i, this must be true:

j((ji1ji)dj=djz).\forall j ((j \neq i - 1 \land j \neq i) \to d_j = d_{j_z}).

This means that, for all numbers jj equal to neither i1i - 1 nor i,i, we can replace djzd_{j_z} with djd_j in the chain of equations presented immediately prior to the universally quantified generalization:

d1=d2==di2=di+1==d2=d1.d_1 = d_2 = \dots = d_{i - 2} = d_{i + 1} = \dots = d_{\ell - 2} = d_{\ell - 1} .

Time for another proof by contradiction! We want to establish the truth of

di1+(zxi)=di(zxi),d_{i - 1} + (z - x_i) = d_i - (z - x_i),

so we assume the negation of that for the sake of argument:

di1+(zxi)di(zxi).d_{i - 1} + (z - x_i) \neq d_i - (z - x_i).

From this we derive

di12dizdi,d_{i - 1} \neq 2d_{i_z} - d_i,

which contradicts our previous conclusion that

di1=2dizdi.d_{i - 1} = 2d_{i_z} - d_i.


di1+(zxi)=di(zxi),d_{i - 1} + (z - x_i) = d_i - (z - x_i),

which completes our subproof!

It goes without saying that both the integer zz and the difference zxiz - x_i exist. So, we have found a yy and a cc such that

yxi=cd1==di1+c=dic==d1.y - x_i = c \land d_1 = \dots = d_{i - 1} + c = d_i - c = \dots = d_{\ell - 1}.

If you're curious, zz is our y,y, and zxiz - x_i is our c.c. That is, we can go from

zxi=zxid1==di1+(zxi)=di(zxi)==d1\small z - x_i = z - x_i \land d_1 = \dots = d_{i - 1} + (z - x_i) = d_i - (z - x_i) = \dots = d_{\ell - 1}


yc(yxi=cd1==di1+c=dic==d1).\exists y \exists c (y - x_i = c \land d_1 = \dots = d_{i - 1} + c = d_i - c = \dots = d_{\ell - 1}).

And then we've established FIXABLE.\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}. So we have finally derived a contradiction from our initial assumptions. Recall what those assumptions were: s3zs_{3_z} is an arithmetic progression, and ¬FIXABLE.\neg\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}. From these we ultimately concluded FIXABLE,\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}, which contradicts the second of our two initial assumptions.

So, either s3zs_{3_z} is not an arithmetic progression, or FIXABLE.\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}. But this disjunction is just another way of saying s3zs_{3_z} is not an arithmetic progression if ¬FIXABLE.\neg\text{\small F}\text{\tiny IXABLE}.

And that's what we set out to prove!

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