In my previous two posts about testing with WireMock included in this series I used first @WireMockTest extension and later WireMock docker.
Recently a WireMock module for Testcontainers has been created by @onenashev 👏 so we can try it too! 🤩
🤹 WireMock Testing
App test with WireMock Testcontainers module
Static stubs
We use Testcontainers JUnit5 extension to create two WireMock containers:
class AppShouldWithWireMockTestcontainers {
companion object {
private const val name = "Ivy"
val containerFoo = WireMockContainer("wiremock/wiremock:3.2.0")
val containerBar = WireMockContainer("wiremock/wiremock:3.2.0")
fun `call foo and bar`() {
val fooApiUrl = "http://${}:${containerFoo.port}"
val barApiUrl = "http://${}:${containerBar.port}"
val app = App(name, fooApiUrl, barApiUrl)
Hi! I am $name
I called Foo and its response is Hello $name I am Foo!
I called Bar and its response is Hello $name I am Bar!
- We can choose the container version, in this case
. - We enable response templating adding the parameter
(see command line options). - We load mappings from local json files.
- We obtain the dynamic ports that have been assigned to each container to build
Dynamic stubs
We can also configure our stubs programmatically using the WireMock client and connecting it to the WireMock Admin API of the two WireMock containers:
fun `call foo an bar with dynamic stubs`() {
val fooApiUrl = "http://${}:${containerFoo.port}/dynamic"
val barApiUrl = "http://${}:${containerBar.port}/dynamic"
WireMock(, containerFoo.port)
.withQueryParam("name", equalTo(name))
.willReturn(ok().withBody("Hi $name I am Foo, how are you?"))
WireMock(, containerBar.port)
.willReturn(ok().withBody("Hi $name I am Bar, nice to meet you!"))
val app = App(name, fooApiUrl, barApiUrl)
Hi! I am $name
I called Foo and its response is Hi $name I am Foo, how are you?
I called Bar and its response is Hi $name I am Bar, nice to meet you!
Thanks and happy coding! 💙
Top comments (2)
Thanks for the post and the updated demo, they look really good! Looking forward to releasing the version 1.0 of the WireMock module for Testcontainers Java and other language stacks. Whomever tries them out, any feedback will be appreciated!
🤖 Dependabot is waiting for that release! 😀 Thanks!