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Rohit More
Rohit More

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Important algorithms and problems every programmer should know..!!

📌 Sorting Algorithms - Bubble sort - Insertion sort - Quick sort - Merge sort - Heap sort - Counting sort

📌 Searching algorithms - Linear search - Binary search (with all its variants) - Breadth-first search (BFS) - Depth-first search (DFS)

📌 Array algorithms - Kadane's algorithm - Floyd cycle detection algorithm - KMP algorithm - Quick select algorithm

📌 Stack - Tower of Hanoi problem - Infix to postfix conversion - Parenthesis matching

📌 Tree and Heap algorithms - Creation of heap - Implementation of Priority queue - Traversals - preorder, inorder, postorder

📌 Graph algorithms - Kruskal's algorithm - Prim's algorithm - Dijkstra's algorithm - Bellman ford algorithm - Topological sort algorithm

📌 Dynamic programming -(Recursion+Memoization) - Fibonacci series - Longest common subsequence - Matrix chain multiplication

📌 Other -Huffman coding for compression - Bit vector - Disjoint set data structure (Union find)

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