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Utsho Biswas
Utsho Biswas

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Representational State Transfer (REST) has become the standard for designing web APIs due to its simplicity, scalability, and ease of use. However, creating a truly effective and well-designed RESTful API requires careful consideration and adherence to certain principles. In this article I am sharing few points what I try to keep in mind while developing or designing any API.

Use Standard HTTP Methods: RESTful APIs rely on standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations on resources. Ensure that my API endpoints align with these methods appropriately.
Resource Naming and URI Structure: I try to choose meaningful and consistent resource names. The URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) should be intuitive and follow a logical hierarchy. Avoid using verbs in URIs and use nouns that represent the resources. For example, use /sales instead of /getSales.
Use Plural Nouns for Resource Names: Stick to using plural nouns for resource names to maintain consistency. For instance, use /records instead of /record to represent a collection of user resources.
Versioning: Implement versioning in your API to manage changes without breaking existing client applications. This can be done by including the version number in the URI (e.g., /v1/records).
Statelessness: I try to keep my API stateless, meaning each request from a client contains all the information needed to fulfill that request. Avoid using sessions or storing state on the server. This enhances scalability and simplifies the client-server interaction.
Use HTTP Status Codes: Utilize appropriate HTTP status codes to provide meaningful feedback about the success or failure of a request. For instance, use 200 OK for successful requests, 201 Created for successful resource creation, and 404 Not Found for non-existent resources.
Response Format: Standardize the format of your API responses. Most RESTful APIs use JSON due to its simplicity and readability. Ensure your responses include relevant information, such as data, status, and error messages in a consistent structure.
Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms. Return clear and concise error messages in the response, along with the appropriate HTTP status code. Include error codes, descriptions, and, if possible, suggestions for resolution.
Pagination and Filtering: When dealing with large datasets, implement pagination to limit the amount of data returned in a single request. Additionally, provide filtering options to allow clients to request specific subsets of data based on parameters.
Security: Prioritize the security of my RESTful API. I try to use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit, authenticate and authorize requests using tokens or API keys, and validate user input to prevent common security vulnerabilities like injection attacks.
Documentation: Create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation for your API. Clearly describe each endpoint, the expected request and response formats, authentication methods, and any other relevant information. Tools like Swagger or OpenAPI can assist in generating interactive documentation.
Testing: Thoroughly test your RESTful API with various scenarios, including edge cases and potential error conditions. Implement automated testing to ensure the reliability and stability of my API, especially as it evolves over time.
[NB- Please feel free to share me any resources or suggestion. I’ll always be grateful to you]

Reference: Online blogs, Http method documentation.

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