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Stored Procedures in SQL database

Stored procedures are database objects that contain a set of SQL statements or code that can be executed on demand. They are used to encapsulate business logic, complex operations or calculations that can be reused by multiple applications, and also provide an additional level of security and data validation.

Here are some advantages of using stored procedures:

Improved performance: Stored procedures are compiled and stored in memory, which allows them to execute faster than ad-hoc SQL statements.

Reusability: Once created, stored procedures can be reused multiple times by different applications, which saves time and effort in development.

Centralized code: Stored procedures provide a central location to store and manage complex business logic, which makes it easier to maintain and update the code.

Security: Stored procedures can be granted permissions separately from the underlying tables, which provides an additional level of security to the data.

Data validation: Stored procedures can be used to validate input data, which helps to prevent SQL injection attacks and ensure data consistency.

However, there are also some disadvantages of using stored procedures:

Maintenance: Stored procedures can be complex and difficult to maintain, especially if they are poorly designed or documented.

Portability: Stored procedures are specific to the database system they are created on, which makes it difficult to port them to other database systems.

Debugging: Debugging stored procedures can be difficult, as they are executed on the database server and not on the application.

Versioning: Changes to stored procedures can cause compatibility issues with existing applications that rely on them, which can be difficult to manage.
Example of stored procedure:

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE spAddCars( @CarId VARCHAR(50), @Model VARCHAR(50), @BodyType VARCHAR(50), @Brand VARCHAR(50), @Prices DECIMAL(10),
                @IsDeleted VARCHAR(50))

    model , 
    bodyType , 
    isDeleted )
    (@CarId ,
     @BodyType ,
SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE carId= @CarId  

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In summary, stored procedures can be a powerful tool for improving performance, reusability, security, and data validation in database applications. However, careful consideration should be given to their design and maintenance, as well as their impact on the overall application architecture.

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