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Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.
Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.

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Getting Started with Jekyll: A Powerful Ruby-Based Static Site Generator


Jekyll is a robust and popular static site generator built in Ruby. It offers a simple yet powerful way to create static websites, blogs, and documentation sites. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of Jekyll and guide you through the process of getting started with this versatile tool.

What is Jekyll?

Jekyll is an open-source static site generator that takes raw text files, written in Markdown, Textile, or HTML, and converts them into static websites. It eliminates the need for databases or server-side processing, making it an excellent choice for simple and efficient websites.

Key Features of Jekyll:

  1. Templating Engine: Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language, allowing you to create reusable templates for consistent page layouts.
  2. Markdown Support: Jekyll supports Markdown, which enables easy content creation without the need for complex HTML.
  3. Front Matter: Jekyll utilizes YAML front matter to add metadata to your content, providing flexibility in organizing and structuring your site.
  4. Built-in Development Server: Jekyll comes with a built-in development server, enabling you to preview your site locally before deploying it.
  5. Plugins: Jekyll offers a vast ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality, allowing you to add features like SEO optimization, analytics, and more.

Getting Started:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ruby: Ensure that Ruby is installed on your machine.
    • RubyGems: Install RubyGems, the package manager for Ruby.
    • Bundler: Install Bundler, a gem dependency manager.
  2. Installation:

    • Open your terminal and install Jekyll by running the following command:
     $ gem install jekyll
  3. Create a New Jekyll Site:

    • Create a new Jekyll site using the following command:
     $ jekyll new my-site
     $ cd my-site
  4. Build and Serve Your Site:

    • Use the following command to build your site and start the local development server. After that, you can access your site at http://localhost:4000 in your browser.
     $ bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. Customize Your Site:

    • Explore the directory structure of your Jekyll site and make changes to the configuration file (_config.yml) to personalize your site settings.
    • Create new pages and blog posts in the _posts and _pages directories, respectively.
    • Leverage Liquid templates to create reusable page layouts.


Jekyll provides a flexible and efficient way to build static websites. With its simplicity, extensive community support, and vast plugin ecosystem, Jekyll has become a go-to tool for developers looking to create beautiful and performant static sites. By following the steps outlined in this article, you are now equipped to dive into the world of Jekyll and unleash its potential for your next project. If you want to dive more into Jekyll you can visit the official documentation site and look for more extraordinary things you can do with this amazing static-site generator based in our beloved Ruby language.

Give Jekyll a try and unlock the power of static-site generation for your web development needs. Happy coding!!!

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