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Rohit Ramname
Rohit Ramname

Posted on

Call a SQL function in EF Core 3 without Linq queries, mapping and translation

I have come across couple scenarios where I need to call an already existing scalar function in SQL server that has some logic into my C# EF Core 3 application for reusability. But most the guides out there show how can this be done only by mapping it to a C# function with Throw new Notimplemented exception and using Linq queries like official documentation.
I did not need to use Linq queries so I am doing it in a different way as below.

Let’s say you have a SQL function.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IsStrogestAvenger(@Superhero varchar(100))
    declare @result bit=0
    if(@Superhero ='Thor')
        set @result=1
        set @result=0
RETURN @result
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Now turn to our C# code.
For result, lets create a model to hold this output.


public class IsStrongestAvengerResult
   public bool IsStrongestAvenger { get; set; }
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Map it in context class as below


public virtual DbSet<IsStrongestAvengerResult> IsStrongestAvenger{ get; set; }
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protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<IsStrongestAvengerResult>(e => e.HasNoKey());
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Now we use FromSqlInterpolated to call this function and map.


public bool IsStrongestAvenger(string Superhero)
    return context.IsStrongestAvenger.FromSqlInterpolated($"select   dbo.IsStrogestAvenger ({Superhero}) as IsStrongestAvenger").FirstOrDefault().IsStrongestAvenger;
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Important thing to note above is the use of AS >IsStrongestAvenger and it should match with the property name in >our model IsStrongestAvengerResult.IsStrongestAvenger

Now this function can be directly call from C# to get the output.

Thank you for reading. Comments and Suggestion are highly appreciated.

Top comments (2)

susamate profile image
Susamate • Edited

Since the Internet is so damn packed with infollution, it was a hell of a hardship to find this peace of gold information. Thanks a lot.

One quick note. The name of the variable in your class has to match your function name. Here is how I did it in the light of @rramname 's information:

Created a class under the Model folder:

public class GetUserRecipeCount
public int get_recipe_count_for_user { get; set; } // Note that this variable's name has to match your function name.

Created a virtual DbSet in my Context file:

public virtual DbSet<GetUserRecipeCount> get_recipe_count_for_user { get; set; }

So lastly I navigated my controller and used the function:

`var count = _context.get_recipe_count_for_user.FromSqlInterpolated(
$"SELECT * FROM get_recipe_count_for_user(1)").First().get_recipe_count_for_user;

            userVm.UserRecipeCount = count;`
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Also this is my PostgreSQL db function if anyone is curious:

`create function get_recipe_count_for_user(recipe_user_id integer) returns integer
language sql
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recipes r WHERE r.user_id = recipe_user_id;

alter function get_recipe_count_for_user(integer) owner to halil;`

Thanks again @rramname :)

mnemteanu profile image

Beautiful! Thank you.