DEV Community

Randy Rivera
Randy Rivera

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Challenge: Regular Expressions

Find One or More Criminals in a Hunt

  • Let's Write a greedy regex that finds one or more criminals within a group of other people. A criminal is represented by the capital letter C.

  • Here's an example to review how to do this:

  • The regex /z+/ matches the letter z when it appears one or more times in a row. It would find matches in all of the following strings:

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  • But it does not find matches in the following strings since there are no letter z characters:
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  • Answer:
let reCriminals = /C+/;
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  • Now your regex should match three criminals (CCC) in the string P1P5P4CCCcP2P6P3.
  • Now your regex should match five criminals (CCCCC) in the string P6P2P7P4P5CCCCCP3P1.

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