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Ruan Vitor
Ruan Vitor

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Secure Authentication with ReactJS and TS πŸ”’πŸ‘»

Recently, have you ever found yourself in an intriguing situation while working with the new version of react-router-dom ? I just encountered this situation, and I found myself thinking:

How the hell do I create private routes now? 🧐

So I decided to investigate and try the traditional authentication method, but to my surprise, this wasn't working as expected πŸ˜”.

function PrivateRoute ({ isPrivate, ...props }: Props) {
const { authenticated, loading } = useContext(AuthContext);

if(loading) {
return <Loading />;

if (isPrivate && !authenticated) {
return <Navigate to="/" />;

return <Route {...props} />;
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However, to my surprise, I’ve found a way to create private routes in react-router-dom and I came today to share it with you. So, prepare yourself, because what comes next is pure React magic! ✨

First Step

As is customary, we will create our pagination structure using react-router-dom inside the ./src/routes/index.routes.tsx folder of our project. Following that, we’ll export it to App.tsx as usual.

/* File: index.routes.tsx */

import { Navigate, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";

import { Home } from "../pages/Home";
import { SignIn } from "../pages/SignIn";
import { SignUp } from "../pages/SignUp";

export function Router() {
  return (
      <Route element={<Home />} path="/" />
      <Route element={<SignIn />} path="/sign-in" />
      <Route element={<SignUp />} path="/sign-up" />
      <Route element={<Navigate to="/" />} path="*" />
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/* File: App.tsx */

import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { Router } from "./routes/index.routes";

export default function App() {
  return (
      <Router />
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Second Step

Within the routes file, we will create a function called PrivateRoutes(). This function will be responsible for rendering specific components based on user authentication.

If the user is authenticated, our website will display the initial page (Home) within the component <Outlet />. On the other hand, if the user isn't authenticated, the <Navigate /> component with its to=”/sign-in” property will automatically redirect the user to the sign-in page.

/* File: index.routes.tsx */

import { Navigate, Route, Routes, Outlet } from "react-router-dom";

import { Home } from "../pages/Home";
import { SignIn } from "../pages/SignIn";
import { SignUp } from "../pages/SignUp";

function PrivateRoutes(){
  const isUserAuth = true;
  return isUserAuth ? <Outlet /> : <Navigate to="/sign-in"/>

export function Router() {
  return (
      <Route element={<SignIn />} path="/sign-in" />
      <Route element={<SignUp />} path="/sign-up" />
      <Route element={<PrivateRoutes />}>
        <Route element={<Home />} path="/" />
      <Route />
      <Route element={<Navigate to="/sign-in" />} path="*" />
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Done! From this point on, you can already have private pages in your project! I hope you enjoyed it.

Follow me for more tips πŸ”₯

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