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Rumen Dimov
Rumen Dimov

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LINQ Cheatsheet: The Ultimate Guide for Modern .NET Development 🚀


LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a game-changing feature in C# that revolutionizes how we work with data. Whether you're manipulating collections, querying databases, or processing XML, LINQ provides a unified, elegant approach to data manipulation. This comprehensive cheatsheet will boost your productivity with LINQ and help you write more maintainable code.

Table of Contents 📑

  • Basic LINQ Operations
  • Filtering and Finding Elements
  • Ordering and Grouping
  • Projection Operations
  • Aggregation Functions
  • Set Operations
  • Best Practices and Performance Tips

1.Basic LINQ Operations ⚡

LINQ offers two ways to write queries: query syntax and method syntax. Query syntax might feel more natural for developers coming from SQL backgrounds, while method syntax offers better IntelliSense support and is often more concise. Both approaches are functionally equivalent, so choose the one that makes your code more readable.

Query Syntax vs Method Syntax

basic LINQ operations - Query Syntax vs Method Syntax

2.Filtering and Finding Elements 🔍

Filtering operations are the bread and butter of LINQ. These methods help you search through collections to find specific elements or subsets that match your criteria. Whether you need a single item or multiple items matching certain conditions, LINQ provides precise tools for the job.

Where - Filter Elements

linq queries - how to filter elements

3.Ordering and Grouping 📊

When you need to organize your data, LINQ's ordering and grouping operations come to the rescue. These methods help you sort collections based on one or more criteria and group related items together, perfect for creating hierarchical data structures or preparing data for presentation.

OrderBy and ThenBy

linq - how to order and group by

4.Projection Operations 🔄

Projection operations transform your data from one form to another. These are essential for mapping data between different types, extracting specific properties, or flattening nested collections. Think of projection as reshaping your data to match your needs.

Select and SelectMany

linq - how to use select and selectMany

5.Aggregation Functions 📈

Aggregation functions help you compute summary values from your collections. Whether you need to count items, calculate averages, or find extreme values, these methods provide a concise way to analyze your data and extract meaningful insights.

Count, Sum, Average, Min, Max

linq - Aggregation Functions

6.Set Operations 🎯

Set operations treat collections as mathematical sets, allowing you to combine, compare, and contrast different collections. These operations are particularly useful when you need to find common elements, unique items, or differences between collections.

Distinct, Union, Intersect, Except

linq - set operation - distinct, union, intersect, except

7.Best Practices and Performance Tips ⚡

Understanding these best practices will help you write more efficient LINQ queries and avoid common pitfalls. LINQ's deferred execution model can be both powerful and tricky - knowing how and when queries are executed is crucial for writing performant code.

Deferred Execution ⏳

linq - Deferred Execution

Use Appropriate Methods 🎯

linq - best practice

Avoid Multiple Enumeration ⚠️

linq - Avoid Multiple Enumeration

Conclusion 🎉

LINQ is an incredibly powerful tool in the .NET ecosystem. This cheatsheet covers the most common operations you'll need in your daily development work. Remember that LINQ's true power lies in its composability – you can chain these operations together to create complex data transformations with clean, readable code.
I hope most of you find this post helpful. Those of you who are more advanced and have a good grasp on LINQ, please do share/comment if I have missed anything. I think there is a lot to say in terms of performance optimization but this is a topic for another post I guess.

P.S. I used Rider JetBrains to write the examples. It is finally free for Non-Commercial use, go check it out if you are fed up with Visual Studio.

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