DEV Community

Ryan Milkiewicz
Ryan Milkiewicz

Posted on

100 Days of Code

One of my New Year resolutions was to participate in 100 days of code. Im writing this post early on in my 100 day journey, 12 days to be exact, as a check in of my progress so far. I've been wanting to learn Next.js so what better way than to start my 100 day challenge with learning it.

So far I have completed the learning tutorial provided on the Next.js web site ( along with a free YouTube tutorial. Additionally I have purchased a Udemy course too. After this my plan is do start on a project of my own and build it out start to finish. More on this to come in future posts. I wanted to start with a few tutorials just to learn and see some of the best practices before venturing out on my own.

Having done a few projects in React, coming up to speed with Next.js hasn't been incredibly difficult. It comes with alot more bells and whistles than React.

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