DEV Community

Sababa T
Sababa T

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10 JavaScript projects I have completed as a beginner!

Hello, Dev Community!

As a newcomer to the world of development, I’ve been on an exciting journey over the past few months, tackling various projects that have helped me grow my skills and understanding of programming. I’d love to share what I’ve created and invite you all to join the conversation!

_My Projects: _

Here’s a brief overview of the projects I’ve tackled so far:

README Generator: A Node.js tool that creates structured README files for GitHub projects, helping developers document their work effectively.


Quiz App: An interactive application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that quizzes users on different topics.


Weather App: A web app that fetches real-time weather data using a weather API. It’s designed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to allow users to search for conditions in any chosen city.


Countdown Webpage: A visually appealing countdown timer created with HTML and CSS, designed to build anticipation for upcoming events.


To-Do List: A functional to-do list application created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing users to manage their tasks effectively.


Music Player: A basic music player that plays a single track, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to help me learn about audio controls and user interactions.


Age Calculator: An application that calculates a user’s age based on their birth date input, using HTML and JavaScript for straightforward functionality.


Stopwatch: A digital stopwatch built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that allows users to start, stop, and reset, reinforcing my understanding of timing mechanisms.


Text to Speech Converter: A tool that converts text input into spoken words using Web APIs, showcasing my ability to integrate various technologies with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Website Using Bootstrap and Canva UI: A responsive website created with Bootstrap, utilizing design elements from Canva. This project taught me valuable lessons about responsive design and layout.


I’m eager to get your insights on these projects!

-What features or improvements do you think I should consider?

-Are there best practices you recommend for a beginner like me?

-What tools or libraries have been invaluable in your own projects?

Collaboration and feedback are essential for growth, and I’m excited to learn from this community. If you’re interested in checking out my code or trying out the projects, feel free to visit my GitHub repository!

Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and share experiences!

Happy coding! 🚀

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