DEV Community

Safoor Safdar
Safoor Safdar

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Problems and challenges to adopting DevOps

This article is the second post from the series of "Get Started with DevOps". DevOps emphasizes better collaboration between developers and operations to value process mapping. Ever wondered why at some point or another, most organizations stumble when trying to implement DevOps? Why do many quit the journey halfway?

To read the first post from series, visit "Get a basic understanding of DevOps"

Problems led to the creation of DevOps

  • Before DevOps, the development and operation team worked in complete isolation.
  • Testing and Deployment were isolated activities done after design-build. - Hence they consumed more time than actual build cycles.
  • Without using DevOps, team members are spending a large amount of their time in testing, deploying, and designing instead of building the project.
  • Manual code deployment leads to human errors in production.
  • Coding & operation teams have their separate timelines and are not in synch causing further delays.

Signs that show you need DevOps

  • The development team is not able to detect software defects at the early age of its development
  • Agile methods are used to speed up the software development process, but as soon as the application goes to production department all methods become ineffective
  • Testing and development team members are not able to access resources timely and so the development process delays
  • You are not able to identify the exact problems of development, testing, and production department
  • Simple human errors are often creating hurdles during the development and deployment process.
  • Once the app is in production, developers think that their job is over.
  • At the time of the problem, both development and operation teams start blaming each other.

Challenges to adopting DevOps

  • Overcoming the Dev versus Ops mentality
  • Moving from legacy infrastructure
  • Too much focus on tools
  • Resistance to change
  • Dev and Ops toolset clashes


Certain problems give rise to the adoption of DevOps. These problems include the lack of cooperation and collaboration between the development and operation teams. Usually, organizations treat testing, building, designing, and distribution as separate agendas. Due to this, the projects consume more time than the requirement – and major time is spent on unnecessary activities. Lack of technology leads to human errors in the manufacturing and building of apps. Due to the absence of communication between teams, the services suffer and face delays. Such problems and signs indicate the need for DevOps.

I am a DevOps Consultant. My job is to help the startup to build and maintain application infrastructure. Provide technical solutions. Help to introduce and improve DevOps Practices in the application development lifecycle. Proficient with Kubernetes and docker across AWS, GCP, and on-prem.

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Note: The substance of this post is derived from a variety of web assets to be instructed.

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