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Safvan P
Safvan P

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Demystifying BDD: A Game-Changer for Software Testing 🎮

In the world of programming, sometimes we get lost in tech talk, leaving our buddies who aren't tech wizards scratching their heads. So, let's unpack a cool concept called Behavior Driven Development (BDD) in plain English. Think of it like explaining your favorite game to a friend!

What's BDD All About? 🤔
Imagine you're teaching your friend how to play a video game. Before diving into the action, you lay down the game rules:

What's the objective?
What should happen at different stages?
What's the winning move?

BDD is a bit like this. Instead of coding blindly (not literally, of course!), you define precisely how a piece of code should behave.

Breaking It Down: The Game Analogy 🎮

**Given** - Picture it as the starting point of your game. Your character is loaded, and you're ready to roll.

**When** - This is when the game is in full swing. You're making moves, battling foes, and collecting points.

**Then** - The end goal of the game. You've reached the final level, maybe defeated the boss, and celebrated your victory.
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Now, translate this to coding, especially with tools like Mockito:

Given - We set up the initial game conditions.
When - A specific action or event happens in the game.
Then - We expect a particular outcome, just like reaching a winning stage.

A Real-Life Example: The Food Delivery App 🍔

Imagine you're building a food delivery app. A key feature is applying discounts during a food festival.

Given - The app displays regular prices of items.
When - The food festival starts.
Then - Items on the app should show their festival discounts.
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Using Mockito's BDD features, it's like saying:


In simple words, you're telling the app that if someone wants to see all the items, it should show the list of items we've set up.
Summing It Up 🎮

For folks who know programming but are new to Mockito and fancy testing tools, I hope this made BDD crystal clear. It's all about setting the rules for your code, much like explaining the rules of a game. This ensures smooth sailing without any unexpected glitches!

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