Why Laravel Service and Repository Pattern?
Yes, indeed, there are many ways that laravel can interpret the CRUD functionality. But I personal...
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Why create these complications? (additional layers on top of simple Eloquent CRUD)
I don't think it's good practice in that case.
Thanks for dropping by.
Based on my experience, Laravel service-repository pattern is conducive if you're working in a big team or big projects. It is also sustainable and easy to understand to separate the logic and the wrapper of the model. The concept of repositories and services ensures that you write reusable code and helps to keep your controller as simple as possible making them more readable.
I agree with you that the Laravel service-repository pattern is recommended for large teams or big projects.
This guide is really great and I am trying to follow your guideline because I found tutorials from youtube pretty hard it this one is much simplier. I would just like to ask if you're kindly able to check my repo and do some recommendations/comments since I'm really not sure where to put the logic for pagination because it has some search filters and other types. Thank you very much!
Hey sorry for bugging but I was wondering when following this pattern where should I put my logic for search filter because I wrote it on the repository but I'm not sure if this is the way to go.
sent you a pm
Thank you very much. Whenever your time pleases repo: github.com/jamols09/doc-backend
your laravel repository is good.
Do you know about Transformer of laravel repository?
Thank you
Thanks. No... but maybe this will help you
soory but i am using laravel8.
if you know about repository of laravel 8, please teach me.
Thank you
maybe my sample project can help you. - github.com/jsafe00/her-running-med...
repository pattern with laravel 8 and php 8...
Thank you very much.
Sorry but i want to communicate in chat.
You are talent.
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Thank you
I am following you and want to learn from you.
good regards.
Thank you for this clear and great post.
I was wondering about this pattern and your instructions are so helpful.
But there is one thing. I am wondering how can i write unit tests in this pattern?
Should I test Repository methods? or Service methods? Which and how?
Sorry, I haven't tried that.
i think service-repository implementation difficult than repository-pattern, do you agree?
I agree with you. I think laravel repository pattern implementation is easier because you only need to add the repository. But if you're thinking on the readability and flexibility of your system, I highly recommend the service-repository pattern. Separating the logic (service) and the wrapper of the model (repository) is not hard at all.
I will definitely test it
I think the service layer is enough for the CRUD operation here and Repository is not at all required since you’re only abstracting Eloquent queries inside the repository.
Also a repository is nothing more than an adapter for a specific persistence and it should not implement any business logic nor application logic.
Thanks for sharing your input. For the purpose of showing the flow of the pattern, I’m using a simple CRUD. Separating the wrapper of the model and business logic is useful if you’re working in a big team or big projects.
I am Ilya
Laravel has not repository command.
This is correct?
Yes. As of now, there is no artisan command for repository or service. But there are composer packages that you can install that will generate these.
Thank you.
then, Could you please send me composer install command for repository?
good regards
Not sure if these will work because it always depends on your laravel version. That's why I prefer to just create it manually.
github.com/OzanKurt/Repoist - composer require ozankurt/repoist
github.com/jason-guru/laravel-make... - composer require jason-guru/laravel-make-repository --dev
Another way to do validation is by injecting request class into controller.
thanks for sharing this input.
Thanks for this post it definitely explains things nicely and I learned from it!
Happy to hear you find this helpful. :)
I will try it
Can you please suggest me how can I do dependency injection?
I read an article here about laravel dependency injection. This might be useful for you. dev.to/carlomigueldy/getting-start...
Thanks. I appreciate your post.