DEV Community

Sahul Kumar Parida
Sahul Kumar Parida

Posted on

Here are Top 22 Tips to unlock CHATGPT full potential: 🧵

  1. Tone: Specify the desired tone (e.g. formal, casual, informative, persuasive).

  2. Format: Define the format or structure (e.g. essay, bullet points, outline, dialogue).

  3. Act as: Indicate a role or perspective to adopt (e.g. expert, critic, enthusiast).

  4. Objective: State the goal or purpose of the response (e.g. inform, persuade, entertain).

  5. Context: Provide background information, data, or context for accurate content generation.

  6. Scope: Define the scope or range of the topic.

  7. Keywords: List important keywords or phrases to be included.

  8. Limitations: Specify constraints, such as word or character count.

  9. Examples: Provide examples of desired style, structure, or content.

  10. Deadline: Mention deadlines or time frames for time-sensitive responses.

  11. Audience: Specify the target audience for tailored content.

  12. Language: Indicate the language for the response, it different from the prompt.

  13. Citations: Request inclusion of citations or sources to support information.

  14. Points of view: Ask the Al to consider multiple perspectives or opinions.

  15. Counterarguments: Request addressing potential counterarguments.

  16. Terminology: Specify industry-specific or technical terms to use or avoid.

  17. Analogies: Ask the Al to use analogies or examples to clarify concepts.

  18. Quotes: Request inclusion of relevant quotes or statements from experts.

  19. Statistics: Encourage the use of statistics or data to support claims.

  20. Visual elements: Inquire about including charts, graphs, or images.

  21. Call to action: Request a clear call to action or next steps.

  22. Sensitivity: Mention sensitive topics or issues to be handled with care or avoided.

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