There are several use cases of Go Routines and one of the use case is firing multiple routines and capture the response.
Example use cases:-
- Calling multiple Apis and log/use the response.
- Inserting rows into a Table and log the errors if any.
package main
import (
type Resp struct {
Msg string
func main(){
// unbuffered channel to capture response from the go routine
ch:=make(chan Resp)
// sync.WaitGroup type for handling go routines
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i:=1;i<=5;i++{
// tell WaitGroup to that you are going totrigger a go routine
// trigger
go routine(&wg,i,ch)
// fire a go routine to run as demon and give a way to read the response
// and it will wait until all go routines executed successfully
go func(){
// wait until all goroutines are executed successfully
// we have to close the channel else below for loop will wait for data to write but data won't come
// this will lead to a deadlock (infinite wait)
// read from response channel
for v:=range ch{
fmt.Println("signing off ...!!!")
func routine(wg *sync.WaitGroup,i int,ch chan Resp){
// tell waitGroup that you are done with this task
defer wg.Done()
//send data to response channel
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("completed task %d..!!",i),
completed task 4..!!
completed task 3..!!
completed task 5..!!
completed task 1..!!
completed task 2..!!
signing off ...!!!
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