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Beyond the foggy path..

I believe, as a child all of us loved playing on our dearest computers, making those MS-Paint masterpieces and hitting the keys hard to be The Flash at typing and we assumed them to be the smartest of all things at that time.
All it took to shatter this magical world was my sister's statement, "Computers are the dumbest, they need to be told everything."

First Encounter..

As I recall my sister was in high school when I first saw her writing something in some weird syntax and that was my first encounter with C++. Soon after this the series of encounter started and I fell in love with C++.

I loved picking my mind on all the logics and errors and it gave me some lead for my future. That's how I end up being a final year student.

Stumbling Upon..

During the 4 years of my bachelor's degree I kept on switching languages from C++ to C to Java to Python to PHP but I never really knew what I was looking for neither did I know why I was hopping into those languages or what purpose would they really serve me in long term. The only thing that kept me going was I loved spending time on what I was doing.
I would talk to people, seniors, teachers, classmates and everyone would suggest something or the other.

The Dilemma of What now? ..

It was in November the previous year when I got into a full stack developer post as an intern for a startup. I worked on PHP and Laravel, I enjoyed creating the application from scratch, learning something new everyday.
During the course I was in contact with my friends who worked on different things and used to have discussions about how they are taking up the challenges. Then, on evaluation I concluded I wasn't doing justice to the code. Yes, the code worked, served the purpose, the task was accomplished. But the question really was is this code actually how it should have been? I have always stood by the fact that one thing that's worth the love is quality code and I was defying my own beliefs. I knew it was for the best to spend more time with the language first than to make a crappy product. I left the internship, though it gave me the answers I was looking for.
I could finally see beyond the foggy path.

What now? ..

I have been working on JavaScript for a while now and my next is AngularJS2, this is what I'll be sticking up to.
The years of dilemma has taught me it is not about digging into stuff right away. Get the taste of everything, fail. This is very crucial, you might not figure out what you want to do but you'll definitely figure out what you don't want to do.

Spread the Love..

I have also become a part of few communities like ILUG-D, LinuxChix India, PyLadies Delhi and some more. These communities have helped me gain so much perspective, they have taught me how important it is to spread the knowledge and help others grow because at the end of the day it is all about rising together as one whole, huge community.
I owe so much to these communities and I promise to self to continue spreading the love and help others.
I look forward to contributing to these communities.

I wind up in the hope of many more failures and realisations.

Happy Coding!

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