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My Link Tree

My Link Tree

I just completed my link tree assignment and I am very happy with it. I decided to dedicate my link tree to my favorite free resources that I have used on my journey to becoming a software developer. A mini roadmap for beginners wondering where to start. So, here are my thoughts on every link.


My go to place when I want to start on a rough draft for a project. It allows you to add HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on one screen. Everything is stored in your account so, it can be accessed anywhere.


Very similar to CodePen, it has a more traditional interface for an IDE. It handles public assets a little better than CodePen.


Just started using Codespaces with Tech Prep and I am loving it. An exact clone of the Visual Studio Code text editor, but runs in the browser already linked to your Github. Had I known about Codespaces earlier in my journey I for sure would have used it from the beginning.


A lot of free tutorials available with multiple 50% off deals throughout the year to unlock the premium tutorials. Great for beginners, but don't get to comfortable as it tends to hold your hand a little too much in my opinion. Overall still a great place to start.


A more direct approach than Codecademy, a great quick way to learn while on the go with a few questions at the end of each section to make sure you understand the material.


A new addition in my journey, Scrimba does a better job than Codecademy in teaching the basics. A great place to learn HTML/CSS as well as React. Not as many tutorials as Codecademy.

A one stop shop for learning JavaScript. No videos and all text, it can be a little tough to understand concepts, but it offers plenty of examples and explanations. A truly great resource for free!


A free course with signup, it offers a project a day for 30 days. Although the projects can be difficult, I strongly recommend learners to still go through the solution video and code along. You will be exposed to all the great things you can do with the power of JavaScript.


A great place to practice your JavaScript on a daily basis. This will get you ready for interview problems.


My favorite framework for CSS, it handles all styling with classes in your HTML. All class names are straight forward and easy to read.


They recently updated their free tutorial on their website. A great place to get your feet wet when it's time to learn a JavaScript framework.


The absolute best place to start when learning how to code. An amazing instructor who truly cares if you are understanding the material. It is essential a free bootcamp without the $15,000 price tag. A very active Discord with people willing and able to help you at every stage of your journey. All the classes are on Youtube so go at your own pace.

freeCodeCamp & The Odin Project

Just as good as 100devs, but without video tutorials and powerful encouragement speeches the instructor provides.

Final Thoughts

If you know someone who wants to become a developer, please feel free to use my link tree as a guide. Less time researching on places to start and more time learning!

My Link Tree

Top comments (2)

heratyian profile image

Looks great! Love the hover effect.

ehuang profile image
Ethan Huang • Edited

Your Linktree is really clean! I was also in 100Devs for a bit, it was a great kick start and inspiration for my coding journey too!